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该算法使用的主要分解单项理想的主要工具。The algorithm uses primary decomposition of monomial ideals as the principal tool.

真空干燥动力学模型符合单项扩散模型。The drying dynamic model of vacuum drying was tally with the model of monomial spread.

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近年来的研究表明,组合预测方法比单项预测具有更高的预测精度。Recent study results show that combined forecast model approach enjoys more precise forecast than monomial forecast approach.

从高职教学的角度把技能分为专业技能、类目技能、科目技能和单项技能。In the view of teaching, skills can be divided into special ability, subject ability, category ability, and monomial technical ability.

该系统采用单项取费的预算方法,便于工程招投标和项目决算。The system adopted method of monomial charging and adapt to invite public bidding and tender for engineering and final accounting of item.

本文研究了点插值法中以单项式为基函数的形函数的建立及其性质,并通过矩阵三角化算法来克服形函数矩阵大奇异性。This paper presents the construction of the shape functions using the monomial basic function and describes the properties of the shape functions.

单项技术的成功应用必须依赖于整个装配制造过程有效的供应链管控体系与环境。The successful application of monomial technology must rely on the whole assembly process of effective supply chain control system and the environment.

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同时,对评估结果进行了单项和系统的风险分析,提出了具体的风险处理意见。At last, we analyze the risk assessment result from a monomial and a whole perspective, respectively, giving detailed risk process suggestions subsequently.

根据太仓市饮用水地表水源和地下水的监测数据,分别采用单因子评价和综合评价方法,对饮用水源的水质进行评价。Through the analysis of monitoring results, the raw water quality for drinking water supply in Taicang city was evaluated by means of monomial index and comprehensive index.

该算法利用一组四阶累积量矩阵的零空间把一个未知MIMO信道的冲激响应辨识成一个常的单项矩阵。This algorithm utilizes the common nullspace of a set of fourth-order cumulant matrices to identify an unknown MIMO channel impulse response up to a constant monomial matrix.

由高等代数的定理引出一个推论,结合微分几何的定理,得出一类单参曲面族的包络的求法。On the base of the theorem of higher algebra, the author drew a deduction which leads to the solution of the envelope to a sort of monomial parameter in the family of seurfac.

该模型利用数理统计理论中数据标准化的方法,构造了单项成绩以及多项成绩的综合评价方法。This model uses the method of mathematical standardization of mathematical statistical theory, constructs the comprehensive evaluation method of monomial and multinomial result.

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功能表图的结构形式有单行序列、选择序列、并行序列、混合序列等,它取决于实际系统的控制要求和特点。The function diagram construction form are monomial series, select series, paralleling series, mixed series etc, it is decided on actual system control requirement and characteristic.

该系列产品是广泛应用于石油行业的高精密仪器,共有20多个品种,主要用于石油油管、套管、钻杆锥形螺纹的锥度、螺距、高度等单项参数的测量。These high precision instruments are more than 20 kinds and widely used for oil industry to measure the monomial parameters of taper, pitch and height screw for oil pipe, canola and drill shank.

特别的,文中给出了证明单项式空间曲线都是集合论完全交的第三种方法,从而简化了这一结论的证明过程。In particular, the thesis points out that the third method to show that all monomial space curves are set-theoretic complete intersections, thus simplifying the process to come to this conclusion.