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你有落后了,傻逼。You have it backwards, simpleton.

难道我是一个愚蠢的人吗?Is it possible that I am a simpleton?

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他看着我的样子就好像我是个傻子。He looked at me as if I were a simpleton.

她把她的弟弟描绘成一个傻瓜。She represented her little brother as a simpleton.

那个谁,你知道吗,像古怪的傻子似的是谁?Is he, you know, like some kind of weird simpleton?

我是疯子,你就是傻瓜。所以,我们要在一起。I am a bedlamite, you are a simpleton. So, we want attach.

最后,警察判断肖恩是一个傻瓜。In the end, the policemen decided that Seán was just a simpleton.

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内心深处,我们感觉到这一点,我们轻蔑地谈到头脑简单的傻瓜。Deep down, we sense that we speak, disparagingly, of a "simpleton."

他决不希望未来的纽兰·阿切尔太太是个呆子。He did not in the least wish the future Mrs. Newland Archer to be a simpleton.

当他们回到宫里时,缺心眼也带着他的美丽地毯回来了。At the same time they returned home, the Simpleton arrived, bringing his beautiful carpet.

好吧,那么,'鹰头狮继续说,'如果你不知道该怎么丑化是,你是一个傻瓜。Well, then, ' the Gryphon went on, 'if you don't know what to uglify is, you ARE a simpleton.

小蛤蟆拿来一个盒子,肥蛤蟆打开它,从里面取出一张地毯交给“缺心眼”。The young toad brought the box, and the fat toad opened it, then gave the Simpleton a carpet from it.

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“我看见冰是湿的,恐怕你会训斥我,因此,我正在把它晒干。”笨人回答道。"I saw the ice was wet and I was afraid that you would scold me so I'm running it dry. " The simpleton answered.

至此,所有的争吵都停止了。“缺心眼”得到了王冠,成了一位英明的国王。After this all the protests had to stop. Thus the Simpleton received the crown, and he ruled wisely for a long time.

我是个直肠子,我认为既然我们交税了政府就改提供这些服务。Well, see I'm always i'm a simpleton. I've always had the view that we pay taxes and the city should do those things.

内心深处,我们感觉到这一点,我们轻蔑地谈到头脑简单的傻瓜。没有人愿意被认为是头脑简单。Deep down, we sense that we speak, disparagingly, of a " simpleton. " Nobody wants to be guilty of "simplistic " thinking.

现在轮到“缺心眼”带回来的美女跳了,只见她轻轻一跃,象小鹿一般轻盈地跳过了圆环。Then the beautiful lady, that the Simpleton had brought home, jumped, and she jumped through the hoop as lightly as a deer.

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“去!我的她宝贝,”她回答说,“别以为我是个傻瓜,总想成天价把他挎在胳臂上。”"Psha! My dear creature, "she replied, "do not think me such a simpleton As to be always wanting to confine him to my elbow. "

你们这些欧洲左愤喜欢把佩林恶搞成一个傻瓜,但是你们听说过欧盟代表阿什顿女男爵吗?她是欧洲的萨拉·佩林。You lefty punks in Europe love to mock Palin as a simpleton but have you heard EU Rep Baroness Ashton? She's the Sarah Palin of Europe.

可是,另外两个儿子一直纠缠不清,不给国王片刻安宁,他们说“缺心眼”不能做国王,因为他什么也不懂。However, the two other sons gave their father no peace, saying that it would be impossible for the Simpleton to become king, because he lacked understanding in all things.