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房地产泡沫的狂欢是最后的欢呼。The housing bubble orgy was the last hurrah.

这一幕让人想起古罗马荒淫的狂欢宴会。It was reminiscent of a scene from a Roman orgy.

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叛乱者杀人破坏,肆意妄为。The rebels went on an orgy of killing and destruction.

极端乐观主义纵容了疯狂的投机事业。Extraordinary optimism sustained an orgy of speculation.

它的是一个喧闹的宴会,胡言乱语,马国可负担不起。It's been an orgy of nonsense that Malaysia can ill afford.

针对美联储印钞狂欢进行的逆向交易值得一提。Trades that sat in opposition to the orgy of money printing by the Fed.

三周后,另一架“捕食者”再传捷报,幕后细节再次漫天飞舞。Three weeks later came another Predator success, and another orgy of detail.

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美国人被警告不要沉溺于自我谴责的放纵之中。Americans are being warned against indulging in an orgy of self-condemnation.

结果就是胡乱支出的狂欢把美国银行体系推下了悬崖。The result was an orgy of misspending that sent the U.S. banking system over a cliff.

不久整个山腰都沸腾了,白痴,弱智,畸形一起狂欢。Soon the whole hillside was one gigantic, seething, cretin, mongolian and pinhead orgy.

在西方,义和团被视作反西方的暴力狂欢。The Boxer episode is commonly portrayed in the West as an orgy of anti-foreign violence.

这样一个律师狂欢节的局面,与智能手机市场的暴增不无关系。This orgy for lawyers is partly a result of the explosion of the market for smart-phones.

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打那天以后,六只手、六条腿就开始在那个冰激凌雅间的桌子底下狂欢了。After that day, six hands and six legs began an orgy under the tables in the ice-cream parlor.

金融市场为挥霍提供了资金,如今却惊恐万分,拒绝为由此产生的清理问题提供融资。The financial markets financed the orgy and now, in a panic, are refusing to finance the resulting clean-up.

这次性爱狂欢安排在一个大仓库里面,并且有专门的人员对全程进行录像和拍摄照片。The Orgy was held in a warehouse with a professional camera crew taking pictures and recording the entire event.

你的佛学理念使雷你苛刻及使你变得更害怕脱去衣服单纯康健地尽情快乐。Your Buddhism has made you mean Ray and makes you even afraid to take your clothes off for a simple healthy orgy.

一些人认为这种情绪不仅仅属于在现实世界一个假期的放纵,而是更趋近于整个国家范围内的自我陶醉。Some thought the mood was merely a self-indulgent vacation from the real world, even an orgy of narcissism on a national scale.

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宙斯随之会消失一段时间,尽情享乐奴隶情人们为他提供一切想要的性幻想所带来的放纵快感。Zeus would then disappear for a time feasting upon an orgy of slave lovers providing him with all his desired sexual fantasies.

为MZD晚年所造成的暴力滥用,各种迫害与杀戮辩解的毛派人士到处都是。Apologists for that orgy of violence, destruction and persecution in the latter years of Mao’s rule abound in China’s Maoist circles.

于是产生了一股巧取豪夺风气,高级官员也公开偷窃,而许多人对此采取冷漠的犬儒主义态度,这是令人想起来都不寒而栗的。There was an orgy of grabbing and over all there was a cold cynicism about open theft in high places that was chilling to contemplate.