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这个电话有WAP功能。This phone is WAP enabled.

它在默认情况下不启用。It is not enabled by default.

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已经启用电子邮件通知。E-mail notification is enabled.

有助于正常球和小圈。Enabled normal Orbs and Circlets.

中国应能取得成功。China should be enabled to succeed.

缺省情况下启用的自动配置Auto-configuration enabled by default

JMX监控也启用了。JMX monitoring has also been enabled.

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他们所处的地位使其得以篡权。Their position enabled them to usurp power.

右键单击复制并粘贴现在已经启用。Right-click copy and pasting is now enabled.

爱的呼唤让我们在一起。Love's calling has enabled us to be together.

使用播放器的滑鼠右键选单来开启时间列。Timeline can be enabled in player context menu.

同时还启用了更新和全文索引。Update and full-text indexing were also enabled.

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互联网使得Duarte博士的这项研究成为可能。Dr Duarte's research was enabled by the internet.

外出性同步化是否处于激活状态whether or not outgoing synchronization is enabled

另一种可能性是,你已启用垂直同步。Another possibility is that you have Vsync enabled.

她激活了软件的压缩功能。She enabled the compression feature of the software.

启用BTRFS文件从配置文件系统的支持。Enabled BTRFS file system support from the config file.

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如果您启用了弹出式拦截器,那么它可能不会启动。If you have a pop-up blocker enabled it may not launch.

必须启用全程安全性才能够使用此特性。End-to-end security must be enabled to use this feature.

启用连接集中器必须将连接池打开?Must connection pooling be ON with concentrator enabled?