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登船?同志们?不,我们只是发明了双体船。Boarding? Us? No, we're just inventing the catamaran.

双体船和计划管理,由AARP赞同。The Program is administered by Catamaran and endorsed by AARP.

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因此,研究考虑方艉影响的高速双体船兴波阻力问题具有实际意义。This paper concentrates on the problem of the wave resistance of a catamaran.

这些报告声称有一个巨大的、外形像双体船的UFO,而且完全没有声音。The reports said it was very big, shaped like a catamaran and was completely silent.

科尔文说可卡因显然是从双体船卸载到游艇上。Colvin said the cocaine had apparently been offloaded from the catamaran to the yacht.

这只是描述海燕XONE双体帆船独特性的几个简单词汇。These are only a few words that can only begin to describe what makes the XONE catamaran unique.

这里有很多向导和导游,会向您建议坐着双体船或快艇去海上巡视一番。There are endless tour guides, who propose cruises and day outings aboard a catamaran or a yacht.

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这艘双体船是用重新加工过的回收塑料搭建而成的,其主要材料是12500个空PET水瓶。The catamaran was built with recycled and repurposed plastics, primarily 12, 500 empty PET water bottles.

无论你漫步于海滩还是乘船出海又或者徜徉于深山小路,您都可以欣赏醉人的落日美景。Whether you are on the beach, aboard a catamaran or in the mountains, you'll be able to enjoy stunning sunsets.

警方仍在调查毒品是来自什么地方并且双体船是从哪个南美港口驶出。Police are still investigating where the drugs came from and from which South American port the catamaran departed.

本文以理想流体的势流理论为基础,建立高速双体船的数学模型。Based on the potential theory of ideal fluid, this paper gives a type of mathematical model of high-speed catamaran.

该艇是由双体穿浪船型、单体水翼船型、深V船型等耐波性优良船型复合而成。This new ship form of wave piercing hydrofoil is composed of the catamaran form, the hydrofoil form and the deep "V" form.

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Prout国际的执行董事,一个位于英国的双体船领导者,表示同意。Matthew Steinert, managing director of Prout International, a British company that is a leader in the catamaran market, agrees.

以色列海军在加沙海岸附近的海域登上他们的船,并强迫该船驶往以色列南部的阿什杜德港。Israeli forces boarded the catamaran Tuesday off the coast of Gaza and forced it to head toward the southern Israeli port of Ashdod.

科尔文说美国当局上周通风报信说,一艘载有可卡因的双体船从南美洲开往澳大利亚。Colvin said U. S. authorities tipped off police last week that a catamaran carrying cocaine was headed for Australia from South America.

倒下的巨物卡西克战役结束后,克隆士兵在战场搜索幸存者,他们找到了一艘毁坏的乌奇人双体船及它的船员尸体。Fallen Giants Scouring the battlefield for survivors after the Battle of Kashyyyk, clone troopers discover a fallen catamaran and its crew.

双体船星期三在海上被一艘澳大利亚海关及边境保护局的船拦截,并被拖往布里斯班,科尔文说。The catamaran was intercepted at sea by an Australian Customs and Border Protection boat on Wednesday and is being towed to Brisbane, Colvin said.

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本船为铝合金焊接双体客船,采用对称片体,单层甲板,设上下客舱,螺旋桨推。This ship is an aluminum alloy welded catamaran passenger vessel, using symmetrical semi-hull, single deck, upper lower cabins and propeller driven.

打破传统帆船设计的「菲利浦斯队号」双体船,是世界上最快和最大的环球帆船,船长彼得高斯带领队员参加新世纪的环球帆船比赛。Pete Goss 's 'Team Philips' was a catamaran built to an ultra-radical, high-tech design, and was supposed to be the fastest ever round-the-world yacht.

除了潜水,度假村提供一流的浮潜、风帆冲浪、双体船、夜间捕鱼旅游、香蕉船、滑水和和水上排球等活动。In addition to diving, resorts offer superb snorkeling, windsurfing, catamaran sail­ing, night-fishing trips, banana-boating, water-skiing and volleyball.