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我的听解很好。I have good hearing comprehension.

你会惊奇地发现自己的理解力是多么的好。You will be surprised how good your comprehension is.

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听力、完型填空最能引起学生的焦虑感。Listening comprehension and cloze arouse anxiety most.

这句话65个单词,我理解不了。This 65-word-long sentence is beyond my comprehension.

疼痛是一种破茧而出的领悟。Pain is a kind of restricting cocoon and comprehension.

这次测验将检查学生的听力理解。This test will check students' listening comprehension.

这些孩子在单词拼写、语法以及理解能力等方面也存在一定的缺陷。Their spelling, grammar and comprehension also suffered.

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对这些事的理解与时俱增。Comprehension of these matters grows gradually over time.

一种是精神的力量与正确性,另一种则是精神的广博。The one has force and exactness, the other comprehension.

这叫作“比量触知智”。" This is called "knowledge of comprehension by inference.

代数是小学四年级学生所不能理解的。Algebra is beyond the comprehension of fourth-grade pupils.

以及怎样,比丘,一个比丘有清楚的理解呢?And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu have clear comprehension?

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我真猜不透吉姆的爸爸怎样生活的。How Jim's father manages to live is above my comprehension.

阅读能力主要包含理解率和阅读速度。Reading ability includes comprehension rate and reading speed.

对于这一点,阅读理解部分其实是有迹可循的。There are general patterns for reading comprehension passages.

它的意义与沉重已经超越了人类理解的范畴。Its momentousness and its gravity are past human comprehension.

批判性思维的实质是评价性和综合性。Substance of critical thinking is evaluation and comprehension.

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你有什么建议能改善我的阅读能力吗?。Do you have any suggestions for im- proving my reading comprehension?

哥儿俩面面相觑,同时点了点头,可是并不了解其中的奥妙。The twins looked at each other and nodded, but without comprehension.

但J2EE本身只是广泛意义上的一种企业解决方案。But J2EE itself is an enterprise-scale solution of wide comprehension.