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客观存在的法律对他不具备约束力。Impersonal laws cannot rule over him.

他的态度似乎很生硬冷淡。His manner seemed rather stiff and impersonal.

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我们不与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。We don't deal with large impersonal companies.

隐语是一种客观存在的特殊语言现象。Cant is an impersonal special language phenomenon.

历史叙述把大屠杀简缩成了冷冰冰的数字。History reduces the carnage to impersonal numbers.

是客观想像和艺术的愉悦感。It is impersonal imagination and artistic delight.

然而,一个非人性化的游戏失去了它的真正价值。Nevertheless, an impersonal game losses its core value.

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贺卡是客观而非个人感受的体现。Greeting cards are the embodiment of impersonal feelings.

不可征服的希望必定是很大的而且是非个人性质的。Hope which is to be unconquerable must be large and impersonal.

把放弃建立在不可征服的希望之上的人,行动则截然不同。Hope which is to be unconquerable must be large and impersonal.

不必感到受伤,我亲爱的老伙计,你知道我这个人缺点人情味。Don't be hurt, my dear fellow. You know that I am quite impersonal.

他那双锐利的灰色眼睛半带厌烦地扫了她一眼,显得不近人情且粗暴无礼。His keen grey eye, impersonal and brusque, flashed upon her half impatiently.

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当我同意回答他的非隐私的、简短的小调查的时候,那个电话访问员就是用了这个技巧。The telemarketer used this when I agreed to answer a brief impersonal survey.

心灵的完形可能在你看来是非个人的,但它的能量形成了你的人。A psychic gestalt may seem impersonal to you, but its energy forms your person.

在拜金主义的社会,有些人越来越没有人情味的。In the money-oriented society, some people are becoming more and more impersonal.

我们一喝起酒来,桌边的交谈就变得失去了人情味了。Once we started drinking, the conversation at our table became much less impersonal.

第三章分析戏剧化与“非个人化抒情”的关系。The third chapter analyses the relation between dramatization and impersonal lyricism.

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对网络“寨主”来说,并非人人都甘于草莽。To the network " stockaded village advocate " for, impersonal person ready wilderness.

所以,真正的历史,又岂是史官们一两句话描摹的清楚的?It looks real and impersonal. So the fact of history is never the historiographer's notes.

我们不应该感到惊讶,人们看到的气候,遥远而客观的对他们的改变。We shouldn't be surprised that people see climate change as remote and impersonal to them.