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我们可以很容易地驳倒他的论点。We can easily refute his argument.

缄默是最易反驳的论面之一。Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.

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这个借口含糊其词,但也难以反驳。This excuse is vague, but also difficult to refute.

三是对当时流行的错误观点进行批驳。Third, popular at that time to refute the wrong views.

这项研究并不能充分驳倒道罗法则。Yet this study did not necessarily refute Dollo’s law.

我回嘴,指着我明摆着的紫斑作为见证来驳倒她。I retorted, showing a decided purple witness to refute her.

这样说并不能完全驳倒说我们是主观主义的责难。This does not completely refute the charge of subjectivism.

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我咬着唇,反驳不出一句话,她说的句句都是真的。I bite my lip, refute a word, she said that every word is true.

我觉得这个提法有问题,今日试驳议之。I think the proposition is invalid , and today I will try to refute it.

本论文的目标在于反驳此种对事物的本质主义观。The purpose of this thesis is to refute his phenomenological essentialism.

证明某个理论是不可靠的,或者驳倒某个理论,试图建立新的理论show to be baseless, or refute and make obsolete, as of a new theory or claim

即使你驳倒了我每一句话,但我终究要吃晚餐的!I won't remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations.

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有人知道么?关键点在哪儿?,实验必须有反驳我们假设的可能。Somebody? What's the key thing? It must have the potential to refute the hypothesis.

揭发实证论的一切谬见,因而驳斥它们,这是认识论的任务。It is the task of epistemology to unmask the fallacies of positivism and to refute them.

而为了不盲目的批驳和拥护,只有冷静下来,才能真正领悟。And in order not to blindly refute and support, only to calm down, can really comprehend.

银行在过去的几个星期里,挣扎着反驳联邦政府这一已经预备好的结论。Banks have been scrambling over the past week to refute the Fed's preliminary conclusions.

当人们不需要反驳悖论时,听从他们还有什么意义呢?And when people don't need to refute counterarguments, there's no point in listening to them.

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这话很好,你可以反驳黑格尔,但不能反驳圣人或经验之歌“That's a wonderful claim. "You can refute Hegel but not the Saint or the Song of Experience."

关于这件事,我唯一的驳斥办法,只有把他和我家的关系全部说给你听,请你评判一下其中的是非曲直。Wickham, I can only refute it by laying before you the whole of his connection with my family.

写反驳文章一定要针对对方论据使用己方论据展开反驳,直接扣帽子的做法已经过时了。You need to present evidence to refute your opponent. The method of slapping labels is outdated.