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另一位席埃拉是名解剖学博士。Another Sierra is a Doctor of anatomy.

我到塞拉利昂来有两个理由。I came to Sierra Leone for two reasons.

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塞拉利昂是一个男男女女都诚实的国家。Sierra Leone is a land of honest men and women.

我从没想过高山也有花园。Gardens were far from my mind in the High Sierra.

赛拉俱乐部难以满足这一标准。The Sierra Club was unable to meet this standard.

我叫约瑟夫。马萨奎,来自塞拉利昂。My name is Joseph Massaquoi. I'm from Sierra Leon.

喀麦隆队击败塞拉利昂队之后也成功晋级。Cameroon have also qualified after beating Sierra Leone.

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马修和戴维在西拉大学的表现都很好。Matthew and David are both doing fine at Sierra College.

古兹曼据信藏身于马德雷山中。Guzmán is believed to be hiding in the Sierra Madre mountains.

我从阿维娃手中接过塞拉,两分钟持续有力的拍打后它终于打了个嗝。I took Sierra. Two minutes of firm patting resulted in a belch.

唐吉诃德和桑丘骑到老虎伍兹的谢拉莫雷纳。Don Quixote and Sancho ride into the woods of the Sierra Morena.

2000年我回到了塞拉利昂,这是我童年时代居住的国家。In 2000 I returned to Sierra Leone, the country of my childhood.

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这是一件会让你为自己是一个塞拉利昂人而感到骄傲的事情。This is a story that will make you proud to be a Sierra Leonean.

那时布莱尔正在阐述他在塞拉利昂的工作。At that moment Blair had been expounding on his work in Sierra Leone.

然后无休止名单内华达山下的道路可供选择。And then an endless list of Sierra Nevada Foothill roads to choose from.

另一个与此竞争寻求一点再供应市场的公司是内华达山脉。Another firm vying for a slice of the re-supply market is Sierra Nevada.

千山山脉从南至北横贯整个半岛。The Qian mountain sierra crosses the entire peninsula from south to north.

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塞拉里昂的内战结束了,人民生活在和平中。The civil war's over now and the people of Sierra Leone are living in peace.

位于加利福尼亚州的内华达山脉的普卢默斯县,以有丰富的秋天风味而自豪。Plumas County, located in Sierra Nevada Calif. , boasts plenty of fall flavor.

塞拉利昂的攻击发生率为1/692。Sierra Leone's average incident rate was one attack for every 692 Web surfers.