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这展现的是不关心和不尊敬。It shows disinterest and disrespect.

当她扫视他的报纸时,她装出一副不感兴趣的表情。She affected a look of disinterest as she glanced at his newspaper.

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漠不关心的态度对这项运动的发展没有任何好处。Operating in a vacuum of disinterest has done nothing to grow the sport.

南非也不会为了展示无聊而花上数十亿美元盖场馆。South Africa didn't spend billions of dollars for a display of disinterest.

如果你在不断地学习新的内容,普通是不会兴味索然的。If you're constantly learning new things, you'll be less prone to disinterest.

需要教育孩子,说话时眼睛望向别处表示漠不关心,而且很不礼貌。Children need to be taught that looking away is a sign of disinterest and is not good manners.

那种焦虑会以各种形式表现出来,比如不感兴趣或对被课程所折磨的恐惧。That anxiety plays out in a number of ways from disinterest to genuine fear of being harassed.

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失败或者无法满足这些高期望也许会导致与青少年自尊有关的一系列问题。Problems with self-esteem may result from failure or disinterest in meeting these expectations.

对社交活动不敢兴趣,专注于细节可能对数学、科学、计算机能力的提高有好处。Disinterest in social activities and a focus on details might boost math, science and computer skills.

我们几乎没有发现有任何证据表明,贫困人口之所以贫困是由于懒惰或对工作和储蓄不感兴趣。We find little evidence that poor people are poor because of laziness or disinterest in work and savings.

如果是这样的情况下,您可以肯定的是,有或者是无聊或漠不关心,在约会关系。If this is the case you can be sure that there is either boredom or disinterest in the dating relationship.

在美国漫画情报网站的一次采访中,米勒谈及他对以漫画作为其原著的后续作品毫无兴趣。In an interview with Newsarama, Millar discusses his complete disinterest in a comic follow-up to his original books

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人们表达意见时摇摆不定,突然从满怀热情变得漠不关心,这种行为就被描述为“一会儿吹热气一会儿吹冷气”。People who waver in their opinions and quickly change from being enthusiastic to showing disinterest are said to "blow hot and cold".

那些摇摆于他们的意见中,并迅速由热情变为毫无兴趣的人叫“摇摆不定”。People who waver in their opinions and quickly change from being enthusiastic to showing disinterest are said to ‘blow hot and cold’.

冷静地折衷并不能奏效,它们充其量只会敷衍你一会儿,但最终你会被完全地抛弃掉。Dispassionate half-measures don't work. At best they'll entertain you for a short while. But you'll quit eventually out of disinterest.

狂热的观众会向电台、杂志和网站发去铺天盖地的邮件,表达自己对某处剧情或剧中恋人配对的不满。Fanatical viewers flood studios, magazines and web sites with mail stating their disinterest in certain storylines or romantic pairings.

既然人生苦短,又没有什么神灵保佑,生死都只是随机事件,那我们怎么才能达到幸福和不朽呢In the light of human mortality, the disinterest of the gods, the chanciness of life, what can man do to achieve happiness and immortality?

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你勒紧裤腰带对我的没有任何利益——如果你是我的邻居和如果你是政府都是一样的。It’s in my personal disinterest to have you tighten your belt — and that’s just as true if you’re “the government” as if you’re my neighbor.

怎麽最初的热情过后,就会露出泄气和厌恶,反应仅仅是失去兴趣,而多于义愤?How is it that, after that initial enthusiasm has given away to fatigue and disgust, the reaction is mere disinterest rather than righteous rage?

而正是这种焦虑使得女性不愿意和男服务提供者或销售人员进行交易。A rise in consumer anxiety, in turn, is the very driving force behind women's disinterest in transacting with male service providers or sales persons.