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从那里去的道路跨越帕米尔高原,并继续中国。From there, the road went across the Pamirs and continued to China.

当西部的帕米尔高原还是沉沉黑夜时,而东方早已是旭日初升的黎明。When the Pamirs are cloaked in night, the morning sun is shining brightly over east China.

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经调查中国帕米尔高原共有种子植物530种,隶属于43科201属。There are 530 spermatophyte species belonging to 201 genera and 43 families on the Pamirs in China.

同时,俄国还通过武装渗透等方式,强占了中国帕米尔的大部分地区。Moreover, Russia still accroached the most regions of the Chinese Pamirs by the military penetration.

在征服了中亚三个汗国之后,俄国接着就又开始了对土库曼和帕米尔地区的侵略。Russia began to invade the region of Turkmenistan and Pamirs after the conquest of three khanates of Central Asia.

柯尔克牧人抱怨喀布尔政府的对他们的忽视,食品,自来水,和电力在帕米尔高原奇缺。The Kyrgyz complain about a lack of attention from Kabul. They say food, running water and electricity are scarce in the Pamirs.

与邻区植物相比,喀喇昆仑-昆仑山与中国帕米尔相似系数最高。Compared with neighborhood, the similarity coefficient of Karakorum and Kunlun mountains to Pamirs Plateau of China is the tallest.

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本文为帕米尔地区的生物多样性保护、植物资源利用等方面的深入研究提供了基础科学资料。Our article provided basic science information for lucubrating how to protect biology diversity and utilize plant resource in Pamirs of China.

在整理鉴定中国帕米尔高原禾本科植物标本的基础上,对该区禾本科植物区系特点进行了研究。By means of collecting, and investigating Gramineae in Pamirs Plateau of China, we studied floristic characteristics of Gramineae in this area.

塔吉克族居住在新疆塔什库尔干自治县,该地是帕米尔高原上古代“丝绸之路”的重要通道。The Tajik nationality lives in Taxkorgan autonomous County of Xinjiang, a strategic pass in the Pamirs through which the ancient Silk Road crosses.

1998年在帕米尔东北侧伽师及其周边地区完成了两条深地震宽角反射折射剖面。Two profiles of wide angle reflection and refraction were carried out in 1998 around Jiashi and its adjacent area, the northeast side of the Pamirs.

19世纪后期,侵略成性、贪得无厌的沙皇俄国在侵占中亚后,又侵占了自古以来就属于中国的帕米尔地区。In the late 19th century, after invading Central Asia, Czarist Russia invaded and occupied the Pamirs which has belonged to China since ancient times.

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具体地说,就是今天的中国加上巴尔喀什湖和帕米尔高原以东,蒙古高原和外兴安岭以南的地区。Specifically, that is, with today's China Lake Balkhash and the Pamirs to the east, south of the Mongolian Plateau and the region outside the Mountains.

因被月氏排挤而西迁,一部分退至锡尔河北岸,另一些南下帕米尔,散居各地。Under pressure from the Rouzhi, they moved westward ― some to the north bank of the Sir River, while others southward to scatter in the areas of the Pamirs.

其中,中国特有种1种,中国帕米尔特有种2种,中国新疆特有分布种12种,中国帕米尔特有分布种5种。The China Pamirs endemic species was 2 kinds. The Chinese Xinjiang unique distribution species was 12 kinds. The Chinese Pamirs unique distribution species was 5 kinds.

帕米尔文化艺术研究院热忱地希望朋友们持续关注并支持我们的工作,随时准备倾听、接纳你们的宝贵建言和创意。Pamirs Academy of Culture and Arts expects continuous attention and support from the friends of all circles. We are ready to hear and accept your valuable advices and ideas.

喀什地区三面环山,一面敞开,北有天山南脉横卧,西有帕米尔高原耸立,南部是绵亘东西的喀喇昆仑山,东部为一望无垠的塔克拉玛干大沙漠。Gulf-shaped region, open, a north side lies, west south veins heaven standing, southern is a pamirs plateau, the search for what the eastern practically unpatrolled karakoram taklamakan big desert.

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清朝版图,西到巴尔喀什湖和帕米尔高原,北接西伯利亚,东到太平洋,南连南沙群岛。The Qing territory extended to Lake Balkhash and the Pamirs in the west and bordered Siberia in the north. In the east was the Pacific, and in the south the frontier encompassed the Nansha Islands.