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我的意思是说,他是个骗子。I mean that he is a swindler.

那骗子用希望引诱她。The swindler allured her by hopes.

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那个骗子使用几个化名。That swindler uses several aliases.

它说,你是一个大骗子。It said that you were a big swindler.

那位老人上了骗子的当。The old man was done in by a swindler.

我再也不会相信那个骗子了。Never shall I trust that swindler again.

他们怀疑他是一个政治骗子。They suspected him to be a political swindler.

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那个诈骗犯骗走了她的全部存款。The swindler beguiled her out of all her savings.

那个骗子当场被捕。The swindler had been caught in flagrante delicto.

这个骗子还真的锯断了一个病人的骨头。The swindler really sawed through a patient's bone.

这世上最牛的骗子当属徐福了。The most successful swindler in the history is Xu Fu.

令他们吃惊的是,那个所谓的投资商是骗子。To their surprise, the so-called investor is a swindler.

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他是政治骗子的可能性总是存在的。There is always the possibility that he is a political swindler.

看到银行营业人员为骗取顾客的存款而篡改帐目的报道,会让我感到讨厌。I hate to see a story about a bank swindler who has jiggered the books.

同时,大多数兰花还是厚颜无耻的吹牛者和江湖骗子。In the meantime, most orchid still is bold-faced charlatan and swindler.

他愚蠢地把许多钱投资于那骗子的骗局中,因而完全失去那笔钱。He foolishly embarked much money in the swindler 's scheme and so lost it all.

到你父亲那里,把他带到一边,悄悄告诉他那人是个骗子。Go to your father, taking him aside and tip him off that the man is a swindler.

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但我知道不能轻信他。他是政治骗子的可能性还是存在的。But I knew I couldn't trust him. There was the possibility that he was a political swindler.

约翰.斯温德勒因杀害阿肯色州的一名警察和南卡罗来纳州的两名十来岁的年轻人而被定罪。John Swindler was convicted of murdering an Arkansas policeman and two South Carolina teenagers.

但我知道我不能轻信他。他是政治骗子的可能性总是存在的。But I know I could not trust him. There is always the possibility that he is a political swindler.