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违法分子经常滥用现代技术。Law-breakers often misuse modern technology.

你感到时间紧迫是因为你滥用时间。You feel pressed for time because you misuse it.

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医生超量给他们开药,病人们乱用抗生素。Doctors overprescribe them. Patients misuse them.

如果人们误用自由,结果同样可怕。If people misuse freedom, it is equally terrible.

这个API是强类型的吗,容易传错参数吗?Is the API Strongly Typed and Difficult to Misuse?

我发现在你的信中误用了who这个词。I noticed a misuse of the word “who” in your letter.

文中还涉及到了工作区潜在发生的误用方式。The potential for misuse of Workspaces is also covered.

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大多数的万用表有一个保险丝来防止损坏。Most multimeters have a fuse to help protect against misuse.

认为金钱有害的想法是因为无知和错误地使用意识的力量。All evil is due to ignorance and misuse of the mind’s powers.

对于嘲笑和误解,我们已耐心忍受几百年。We have been patient through centuries of derision and misuse.

拒绝将“自由主义者”这个词作为社会主义的代名词。Refuse to misuse the word "liberal" as a synonym for socialism.

如产品因人为损害或使用不当,则不受保用条款保障。This warranty does not cover human damage or misuse of product.

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政客们滥用证据,将证据歪曲到可耻的地步。Politicians misuse evidence, and distort it to shameful degrees.

对不文明居民的清单的公布是对权利的乱用!Publicizing a list of uncivilized residents is a misuse of power!

检察官想询问他关于滥用公共基金的事情。Prosecutors want to question him about the misuse of public funds.

古时用错了黄色会杀头,今天错用了黄色会闯祸。In olden times, a person could be beheaded for the misuse of yellow.

挑战之一是腐败问题以及相关的对权威的滥用。One is the question of corruption, and the related misuse of authority.

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我们如何花费自己的财富,又是如何浪费和滥用我们的情感财富的。How we spend what we have. How we waste and misuse our emotional assets.

一个认识自己的人,绝不会在外部世界错用他所受的教育。A man who knows himself will never misuse his education in the outer world.

CWS毛巾卷分配器的智能系统防止了滥用。The intelligent dispenser system for CWS cotton towel rolls prevents misuse.