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我再也不沮丧和忧郁了。Adieu to disappointment and spleen.

脾毒素太多,健脾。Too many toxins spleen, the spleen.

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脾脏能从其蒂撕脱。The spleen can be avulsed from its pedicle.

贪凉的女士最易出现脾胃虚弱的状况。The greedy lady to cool the spleen and weak.

就在我在键盘上宣泄自己的情绪之际,我还在使用吹风机呢。I'm using a hairdryer now, as I type my spleen.

茶性温和止渴生津,温胃健脾。It warms the stomach and strengthen the spleen.

健脾助消化,煮粥添山楂。Spleen to aid digestion, porridge Tim Hawthorn.

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脾脏的肿瘤性病变还是增生性病变?。Hyperplastic or neoplastic lesion of the spleen?


伏苓能宁心健脾。Poria calms the heart and strengthens the spleen.

尤以脾虚、脾冷为多见。Spleen vacuity or spleen coldness is more common.

绿豆也能够清热败火、防暑解毒,还是养脾胃的良品。It is also knows to be good for spleen and stomach.

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乔布斯的坏脾气年头已经不小。Mr Jobs has shared his spleen around over the years.

脾可以帮助人体识别和杀死细菌。The spleen helps the body identify and kill bacteria.

很可能是脾脏或肝受到损伤,导致大出血。A ruptured spleen or liver was the most likely source.

脾尖可以在左肋缘处触知。The spleen tip was palpable at the left costal margin.

患者呈现腹水及明显的脾肿大。Patients present ascites and obvious spleen enlargement.

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她踩到块肉糜糕摔了一跤,它钻进了她的脾脏。She fell on some meat loaf, and it penetrated her spleen.

这汤味道鲜美,能清热开胃,健脾补益。The soup is delicious, can heat appetizers, spleen tonic.

在这种情况下,还可能出现脾脏肿大。In such cases there may also be enlargement of the spleen.