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微软研究院的工作环境怎么样?Hows the work environment at MSR?

一般来说微软研究院的雇员都是经人介绍的。Generally MSR employees refer other people.

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MSR将集成炉具的概念提升到了一个完全新的水平。MSR has carried the integrated stove concept to a whole new level.

基于对尺度的MSR算法的医学图像增强算法。Scale based on the MSR algorithm of medical image enhancement algorithms.

和其他公司相比起来,微软研究院的招聘方式还是略有不同的。The recruiting style of MSR is a little different compared to other companies.

与其他判别训练算法不同,MSR算法直接使用阶梯形函数作为其损失函数。Unlike other discriminative methods, MSR directly takes a step function as its loss function.

第59师的两个团被部署在山口以北、主要供给线两侧的小山上。Two regiments of the 59thwere positioned in the hills on both side of the MSR north of the pass.

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MSR对DSR中的路由搜索和路由维护机制进行了扩展,用来解决多径路由问题。MSR extends DSR′ s Route Discovery and Route Maintenance mechanism to deal with multipath routing.

斯克莱尔获准撤回他的出发阵地以便更好地保护主要补给线。Schrier received permission to fall back to his jump-off position so as to better protect the MSR.

陆战1团做为师预备队,坚守主要补给线上真兴里、古土里、下碣隅里一线的阵地。The 1st Marines, in reserve, was to occupy positions along the MSR at Chinhung-ni, Koto -ri, and Hagaruri.

此外,使用传统的微反应器流系统对WGS和MSR的活动性进行测量。Activities of the catalysts for the WGS and MSR werealso carried out using a conventional micro-reactor flow system.

作为市场上最轻、最为可靠的燃料泵,其改进型设计能在所有MSR的液体燃料炉头上使用。This is the lightest, most reliable pump on the market, redesigned to improve the performance of all MSR liquid-fuel stoves.

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详细探讨了基于RPR的MSR的工作机理,包括协议栈和帧结构、节点功能结构、组网应用等几个方面。This article discusses the working mechanism of RPR-based MSR with protocol stack frame structure node function and networking included.

有了这些发现来建立有理由的公众兴趣,NASA可以要求额外的资金来拓展一个海洋科学项目加入这个这个队列。With such discoveries building well-justified public interest, NASA will be able to ask for extra funding to add an MSR mission to the queue.

李奇微对与会者说,他不愿意再看到沿着主要补给线的撤退行动,说当伞兵们双脚踏上大地时他们的主要补给线总是被切断的。Ridgway told his listeners that he wanted less looking backward toward the MSR, saying that when parachutists landed their MSR was always cut.

多业务环是一种基于分组的多业务传输平台,可以完成高速数据传输和接入各种综合业务,以及在数据链路层实现“三网合一”。MSR is a packet-based multi-service transmission platform which supports high-speed transmission and integrated service access and realizes network convergence on Layer2.

比较了核电机组与火电机组再热系统的不同特性,阐述了重水堆核电机组汽水分离再热器系统的流程和控制。In this paper, the reheater difference between nuclear power plant and coal-firing power plant was given, and the MSR system's craft and control for nuclear power plant was also discussed.

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然而,MSR由意念成为正式的产品是一个长期而曲折的过程,所以要花上一段时间,所以这些意念还是难以一时被大系统所接受的。However, it is a long and involved process getting ideas from MSR into products, so it may take a while and the ideas may be difficult to recognize when they are part of a much bigger system.

根据多柔体系统动力学建模理论以及ADAMS的柔性体建模方法,建立了柔性磁悬浮转子系统的ADAMS、MATLAB和ANSYS联合仿真模型。According to the flexible multi-body system modeling theory and ADAMS flexible modeling method, the ADMAS, MATLAB and ANSYS combined simulation model of the flexible MSR system is established.

这次活动由微软亚洲研究院高校关系部、东南大学毕业生就业指导中心、东南大学计算机系、东南大学微软技术俱乐部承办。This activity was undertook by University Relations of MSR Asia, Occupation-directing Center of Southeast University, Computer Department of Southeast University and MSTC of Southeast University.