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在我国,结缕草不仅是优良的草坪植物,还是良好的固土护坡植物。In China, the Zoysia grass plant is not only good in Slope plants.

结缕草的生长行为表现出很强的可塑性和觅养特性。The growth behavior of Zoysia japonica showed strong plasticity and foraging trait.

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以日本结缕草的成熟胚为外植体,对其组织培养体系进行了优化。Taking mature caryopses as explant, the plant regeneration system of Zoysia japonica was optimized.

三点金草、鸡眼草是在半细叶结缕草草坪上观察到的野生草种。Desmodium triflorum and Kummerowia striata are two wild legumes found in Zoysia japonica turf in this research.

结缕草属草坪草是低矮、匍匐性、草皮型的暖季型多年生禾本科草本。Zoysia Willd. is a kind of warm-season perennial grass of Poaceae family. It is low, creeping and sward-forming.

盛蛋黄的碗里加入鲜奶油,调匀,加入核桃块和细叶芹菜细末,搅拌均匀。Sheng's bowl adding milk egg yolk oil, mix thoroughly, add walnuts to fine block and Zoysia celery, stirring evenly.

本文探讨了植物生长延缓剂对暖季型草坪草细叶结缕草冬季生长和抗寒性的影响。The effects of plant growth retardants on the growth and cold resistance of Zoysia tenuifol-la in winter were studied.

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通过使用不同覆盖物对结缕草播后苗前的杂草防治进行了研究。Using different types of covering materials to control weeds of Zoysia lawn before seedling after sowing were carried out.

华南半细叶结缕草是1990年开始引种,幷经过一系列试验研究选育而成。Zoysia matrella cv. Huanan was introduced in 1990 and began to try. The preliminary results showed that Zoysia matrella cv.

结缕草属植物具有耐干旱、耐盐和耐践踏等优良特性。Some species in the genus Zoysia possess agronomically useful traits such as drought tolerance, salt tolerance and wear tolerance.

为探讨延长结缕草草坪绿期,分别进行了刈剪、火烧和施肥试验。In order to study the grassland's green stage of Zoysia Japonica, we have done some experiments about mowing, burning and fertilizing.

结缕草叶片的解剖学结构差异不大,但其大小存在明显差异。Leaves of zoysia japonica have no obvious difference in their anatomical structure but significant variation in sizes of anatomical traits.

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通过试验分析了生境土壤氮素异质性对于克隆植物结缕草生长的影响。An experimental study was carried out to analyze the impacts of soil nitrogen heterogeneity on the growth of a clonal plant, Zoysia japonica.

就其成坪速度、质量、色泽和抗逆性作了对比实验,均优于青岛结缕草。Contrast experiment has been made on the turf speed, quality, color, tolerance to stress, the results are all superior to Qingdao Zoysia grass.

通过对天然结缕草草地的放牧利用,研究探讨了对结缕草草地的产草、产籽性能的影响,并分析了放牧家畜的饲养效果。In this paper, the effect of grazing on biomass and seed production of nature Zoysia japonica pasture and that of feeding on live stock were analyzed.

通过断茎处理,研究在不同土壤水分条件下克隆植物结缕草的水分生理整合作用对表型可塑性的影响。The clonal plasticity of Zoysia japonica was studied through the treatments of different soil moisture and the experiments of stolon-severing and connection.

研究在不同程度干旱胁迫下结缕草叶片的叶绿素、脯氨酸、MDA含量的变化进行测定,研究其生理生化指标的变化,来探讨结缕草对干旱胁迫的响应。Different degrees of drought stress in chlorophyll Zoysia, proline, MDA content changes were determined to study the physiological and biochemical changes, to explore the Zoysia to drought stress.