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柳树,阳光下闪烁。Willow, twinkling in the sun.

天黑人静,星星在天上闪烁。Stars were twinkling in the sky.

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绿色的光点如满天繁星,闪闪烁烁。The green light, twinkling like the stars.

南十字座正在闪耀著并望著我们。The Southern Cross is twinkling and watching us.

夜空繁星点点,璀璨闪烁。The sky was full of stars dancing and twinkling.

一霎时进去,冬天来了,春天的到来。The twinkling of an eye go in winter, the spring.

埔顶灯光真稀微,闪闪像天星。The dim light on the bay are twinkling like stars.

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转刹时,墙上的钟敲九点了。In a twinkling. the clock on the wingl struck nine.

她住了口,眼里闪着光,看着马丁。She paused and regarded Martin with twinkling eyes.

星星在黑丝绒一般的夜空里闪烁。Stars were twinkling in the back velvet of the night.

她看着西弗勒斯,绿眼睛眨了眨。Then she looked at Severus, her green eyes twinkling.

夜空中闪烁着疏疏朗朗的几点星光。A few scattered stars were twinkling in the night sky.

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我们能看到远处的船上灯火闪烁。We could see the lights on the distant boats twinkling.

乃至分不清它到底是熔日,亦或荧荧初升的皓月了。And don't know where it is melted, or twinkling rising moon.

他的蓝眼睛狡黠的一眨一眨,用手肘捣了我一下。His blue eyes were twinkling as he nudged me with his elbow.

她冲我微微一笑,令人难忘的那双蓝眼睛闪着光芒。She smiled at me with her unforgettable twinkling blue eyes.

转瞬之间破镜子又恢复了原状。The broken mirror was reinstated in the twinkling of an eye.

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一晃神,一转眼。我们就这样垂垂老去。A flash of God, a twinkling of an eye. So we vertical chuilao.

我们的梦想,在夏夜里,像星星一样璀璨夺目。Our future was twinkling, and twinkling like summer night stars.

大约每秒能产生150万颗闪闪发光的宝石。Roughly 1.5million of the twinkling gems are created every second.