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具有七个顶点的多面体是稀少的。Polyhedra with seven vertices are rare.

顶点的零数列表都是一个堆栈。The list of vertices with zero count is maintained as a stack.

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所有顶点都被视图截锥的前平面所剪辑。All vertices are clipped by the front plane of the viewing frustum.

具体来说,它的原子位于四面体的四个顶点上。Specifically, its atoms sit at the vertices of four-sided pyramids.

在源数据层,顶点被组合及镶嵌。On the source data level, the vertices are assembled and tessellated.

在这个模型中,网络的节点数和边数的增长率都是时间的幂函数。The growth rate of edges and vertices are power law function of time.

讨论了给定边数和顶点数的图的一类极值问题。We consider the family of graphs with a fixed number of vertices and edges.

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可以这样设想,将一块有弹性的包装纸钉在礼物的各顶点上。Imagine a stretchy wrapping paper that you pin to your gift at the vertices.

这里的差别起源于我们考虑了非微扰顶点的效应。The differences root in the dressed effects of the non-perturbative vertices.

为节约内存,首先应将顶点与其三角形定义分隔开来。To reduce memory, you first separate the vertices from their triangle definitions.

由于一个顶点只能有一条法线,所以还要复制顶点。Because one vertex can only have one normal, you must duplicate the vertices as well.

一个四边形是由这一对顶点和前面一对顶点构成的。One quadrilateral is defined for each pair of vertices presented after the first pair.

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一旦结束,我们继续开始通过挤压面和修改点来制作身体。Once finished, we continued making the body extruding faces and modifying the vertices.

有一个在每个API如何处理顶点是如何组合成原语的差异。There is a difference in how each API handles how vertices are combined to form primitives.

绘制调用的数量,引擎会自动批处理三角形和顶点。Number of draw-calls, triangles and vertices which were automatically batched by the engine.

“所以,从点到像素,这其中就有很多并行可以做的工作”Ragan-Kelley说。“So you have lots of parallelism, over the vertices and over the pixels, ” Ragan-Kelley says.

颠倒三角形顶点的顺序,这样系统可以从正面沿顺时针的方向去遍历他们。Flip the order of triangle vertices so that the system traverses them clockwise from the front.

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可选,随机地扰乱网格的顶点,使其稍微更自然的。Optionally, randomly perturb the vertices of the grid to make it a little more natural looking.

图形硬件是以流水线形式处理顶点的,就像工厂以流水线组装汽车一样。Graphics hardware processes vertices in a pipeline like a factory builds cars in an assembly line.

亲呢,激情和承诺是斯顿伯格爱三角中表示暖,热,冷的三个顶点。Intimacy, passion, and commitment are the warm, hot , and cold vertices of Stemberg's love triangle.