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亲爱的淘友你们好!Darling Amoy Good Friends!

大家淘客程序都是用的什么的?We Amoy off what procedures are used?

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我自己淘了只三变流行猫。I have only three changes Amoy popular cat.

做淘客没收录哪里来的转化和收入?Amoy Where do your visitors do not come into and income?

好不容易淘到了一件,一看标签,猛飙汗。Amoy to the one finally, a look at labels, Meng Biao Khan.

这一现状促成了乐淘的成立。This situation led to the establishment of the Amoy music.

这只花不到十个小时的时间就能到大陆的厦门。And it takes only about less than ten hours to get to the mainland, to Amoy.

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以真诚快捷的送货效率赢得各位淘友的好评。Fast delivery in good faith that the efficiency of Amoy Friends win at home.

第一个计划是把外国人限制在厦门的几条街道内。The first proposal was to restrict foreigners to a few of the streets of Amoy.

请问API是什么意思,是做淘定客站时用的到的程序吗?What does API mean, do Amoy be used when the passenger station to the program?

厦门系中国福建省的一个著名的沿海旅游城市。Xiamen , also known as Amoy , is a coastal sub-provincial city in southeastern Fujian.

回到厦门后,我的心情渐渐平静下来,无论如何,生活还是要继续的。Since I returned to Amoy , my mood had come cool day by day. Anyway, life was on her go.

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而今,由于采石淘沙、施工挖掘而使之重见天日。Now, as a result of Amoy sand quarrying, construction of the excavation will see a bright future.

这些年来我一直是一位淘晶者,我知道这世界上有无数色彩缤纷的水晶。Over the years I have been a Amoy crystal, I know this world there are countless colorful crystal.

这一天,时年10岁的林语堂和哥哥一起离开故乡到厦门去求学。That day, together with his elder brother, 10-year-old Lin Yutang left hometown for AMoy to study.

据了解,目前走省道的话,从南安金淘到安溪需要50分钟,从安溪到厦门要90分钟。It is learned that, then dart away from the Nam Kim Amoy to Anxi need 50 minutes, from Anxi to Xiamen to 90 minutes.

第四章总结厦门卫视作为分众化电视媒介品牌运营方面的成功之处与尚待改进的地方。Chapter 4 sums up the successful experience of brand management of Amoy satellite TV and put forward some suggestions.

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厦门大学的一位生物学女教授服了毒,说她养不活她的孩子。A woman professor of biology in Amoy University swallowed poison, saying she was no longer able to support her children.

隔离措施实施之前,淘大花园SARS爆发的估计危险度是隔离措施实施后的13.7倍。Before taking the quarantine measure, the estimated risk of a larger SARS epidemic in Amoy Gardens was 13.7-fold higher.

“厦门达达”作为当代中国艺术界的一场艺术运动,根植于宽广的思想史和艺术史背景。As a bout of contemporary Chinese art movement, "AMoy Dada"rooted in the broader history of ideas and art history background.