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不要辜负我的一片痴心。Don't let down my cheer infatuation.

会不会把一时糊涂错当成一见钟情呢?Could love at first sight be confused with infatuation?

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媒体对外貌的过度迷恋使她很生气。Xia was annoyed by the media’s infatuation with her looks.

今天,我明白了,这是痴情,一种可贵的情!Today, I understand that this is infatuation , a precious love!

彼此吸引但没有亲密感,是迷恋。Attraction without closeness is more like a crush or infatuation.

激情恋爱常见于过分迷恋和浪漫的爱情之中。Passionate love is shown in infatuation as well as romantic love.

网络泡沫就建立在对所有网络有关的东西的痴迷之上。The dot-com boom was built on infatuation with anything Web-related.

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所以你们明白我的意思吧。迷恋沉迷在恋爱中可能也行。So you know now what I mean. Infatuation. Crush. In love might work also.

这种粗陋的决策,与罗马人喜欢痴心妄想的本性是完全吻合的。Such crude resolves are consistent with the infatuation of the men of rome.

告诉的话,老公会不会被她的痴情感动,对她起怜悯之心呢?Will my husband be moved by her infatuation and then have sympathy for her?

对金钱的迷恋和崇拜使人类的奴性地位达到了极端。Infatuation and worship to money led people's servility to an extreme degree.

但共同基金数据及其他线索显示,这种短暂的情投意合早已结束。But mutual-fund data and other clues suggest that that brief infatuation has ended.

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如果有什么区别的话,那就是近期美国对创业精神的醉心程度大大加深。If anything, America’s infatuation with entrepreneurialism has deepened further of late.

对机器过度迷恋引发的怪圈令人深思。The odd group that excessive to the machine infatuation causes makes a person thoughtful.

嗯,那最终或许只是一时的迷恋——爱火在你意识到之前就迅速冷却。Well, it may just turn out to be an infatuation that mayfizzle out sooner than you realize.

你期待你对另外一个人的痴情成为你的整个未来幸福的一种征兆。You expect your infatuation for another person to be a sign of your entire future happiness.

在对触摸屏的痴迷退热之后,Android上的虚拟回退按钮只不过是个烦人的组件。Virtual back buttons on Android are annoying artifacts of over infatuation with touch screens.

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推开织锦锻面的椅子,你象异国公主般让人迷恋。Push the chair of broche forge face, your elephant lets person infatuation like exotic princess.

我对小熊队的迷恋,或多或少可解释这段经文所描述的那种得来不易的信心。My infatuation with the Cubs offers a small picture of the inconvenient faith described in our text.

它可以让犹豫不决的他产生化学反应,通过静脉的流动,对我们产生迷恋。It induces the same "fight or flight" chemicals that race through our veins when we feel infatuation.