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除了银果。But a silver nutmeg.

要怎么磨碎整颗的肉豆蔻子?How do I grate whole nutmeg?

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除了一个银肉豆蔻和一个金梨。But a silver nutmeg and a golden pear.

肉豆蔻油,桉叶油,薰衣草油。Nutmeg Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Lavender Oil.

如果在静脉里注射肉豆蔻是有剧毒的。Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously.

另外一种天然护肤品是可以用蜂蜜和肉豆蔻除疤。Another natural tonic is honey and nutmeg scar remover wash.

在这整个过程中,肉豆蔻熟睡在她母亲的怀里。Nutmeg slept deeply in her mother's arms throughout this event.

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热苹果酒则通常加入肉桂和豆蔻调味。The hot apple cider is usually spiced up with cinnamon and nutmeg.

这些香料包括丁香,桂皮,多香果,姜和肉豆蔻。These spices include clove, cinnamon, allspice, ginger , and nutmeg.

希腊香料往往特点是使用薄荷和肉豆蔻。Greek flavouring is often characterised by the use of mint and nutmeg.

像丁香一样,肉豆蔻中含有丁香酚,该化合物有益于心脏健康。Like cloves, nutmeg contains eugenol, a compound that may benefit the heart.

炖汤时滴上几滴肉桂、肉豆蔻和其他香料精油。Simmer a few drops of the essential oil of Cinnamon, Nutmeg and other spices.

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浑浊的咖啡色,老房子的沉重,一个豆蔻年华的少女,变成了一个长舌妇。The muddy brown, the heavy old house, a nutmeg age girls, become a Zhangshe Fu.

肉豆蔻目不转睛地凝视着那艘潜艇,直到她失去知觉为止。Nutmeg stared transfixed at the submarine, until she slipped into unconsciousness.

加入奶油,热汤但是不要煮开,用盐,白胡椒和肉豆蔻末调味。Add the cream and reheat without boiling. Season with salt, white pepper and nutmeg.

肉豆蔻仁是香肉豆蔻属植物的果核。生长在班达群岛。Nutmeg is the kernel of the fruit of the Myristica fragrans, grown in Banda Islands.

解百纳赤霞珠展示了莓果、肉豆蔻和微妙的橡木香芬特征。The Cabernet Sauvignon shows berry and spice nutmeg and subtle vanillin oak characters.

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所有你需要的只是,一个油酥松饼,蛋,和肉豆蔻洒。All you need is a shortcrust pastry, a well made egg custard, and a sprinkling of nutmeg.

柠檬酱与熏衣草的芬芳与橡木桶带来的些许麦牙、豆蔻的香氛交织融合,颇为和谐。Lemon curd and lavender aromas, harmoniously integrate with oak hints of malt and nutmeg.

包在肉豆蔻核籽外的纤维网皮构成商品肉豆蔻皮。Mace. The fibrous network which envelops the nutmeg seed constitutes the mace of commerce.