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我有很多理由怀疑这种方法。I had many reasons for suspecting this approach.

警方是没有理由怀疑他的。The police had no justification for suspecting him.

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这些来自中亚地区的偷渡客们毫无察觉,依然沉浸在梦乡之中。Guests from the Central Asia are sleeping suspecting nothing.

总是不相信,总是怀疑,总是冷眼而视。Always distrusting. Always suspecting. Always observing coldly.

现在人们开始怀疑这些公司都要被降级了Now people are suspecting that these are going to get down-rated.

当我正猜疑她是否爱贪小便宜的时候。As I was suspecting whether she was keen on gaining petty advantages.

我的悲观主义甚至还包括对悲观主义者的真诚态度的悲观。My pessimism extends to the point of even suspecting the sincerity of the pessimists.

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凯文福克的最佳运行走出猎枪的立场进行辩护时,怀疑是一个传递。Kevin Faulk's best runs come out of the shotgun stance when defenses are suspecting a pass.

此方法对筛选疑有泌尿道感染者有一定价值。This method may thus be served as screening examination in suspecting urinary tract infection.

赫拉怀疑这只白母牛就是伊娥,就命令长着一百只眼睛的阿刚斯看守她。Hera, suspecting that the white heifer was really Io, set Argus with his hundred eyes to watch her.

由于怀疑老公有严重的身体健康问题,我一直纠缠着他直到他同意去看医生。Suspecting he had a serious medical condition, I nagged my husband until he agreed to see a doctor.

我们结论电脑断层扫描对有合并症的阑尾炎之诊断极具价值。We concluded that CT is valuable in evaluating patients suspecting to have complicated appendicitis.

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在这次对话的当天晚上,马吕斯坐上公共马车,绝没有想到有人监视他。Marius, on the evening following this dialogue, mounted the diligence without suspecting that he was watched.

中国人就是那样毫无原因地互相争权夺利和猜疑仇恨。Quite unaccountably, the Chinese fought among themselves for power and money, suspecting and hating each other.

国王怀疑可能是得罪了维纳斯所引起的。于是便请教祭师他该如何做?The king, suspecting that this might be caused by the wrath of Venus, inquired of the oracle what he should do.

爱潘妮跟着他,他却没有觉察。她看见他挪开铁栏门上的铁条,钻到园子里去。So Eponine followed him, without his suspecting the fact. She saw him displace the bar and slip into the garden.

调查人员们怀疑是谋杀,遂在内华达边境上的当铺里挨家搜寻夫妻俩的财物。Investigators, suspecting foul play, were checking pawnshops along the Nevada border for the couple's possessions.

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在检测了实验老鼠积累更少的脂肪的原因后,研究人员怀疑是分子信号起的作用。The researchers then examined why the mice were accumulating less fat, suspecting that a molecular signal was in play.

很久以前,一个人会惊异地听到自己胸内有节奏跳动,但从不去猜测那是什么。A long time ago man would listen in amazement to the sound of regular beats in his chest never suspecting what they were.

年轻人的上升之路是想方设法改进自己,切勿怀疑有人想挡他的道。The way for the young man to rise is to improve himself everyway he can, never suspecting that anyone wishes to hinder him.