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两次迷路,没有行李。等待仙女救援。Lost twice, no baggage, awaiting charmer.

如果耍蛇者被蛇咬,那也是自找的!If the snake charmer gets bitten, it is what he deserves!

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她的肯定,在这只是达林一个小魔术师!She's sure to be a little charmer in this Simply Darling!

双子座人是真正的魔术师且非常幽默。The Gemini man is a real charmer and has a good sense of humor.

经常看到美丽的明星女儿,他同样是一蛇人。Often seen with beautiful star-daughters, he is no less a charmer.

在和毒蛇玩的槟榔小山的顶端的这个发狂的蛇魔术师是!This crazy snake charmer was at the top of Penang hill playing with vipers!

我父亲能自由自在地与那些毒蛇打交道,因为他是一个玩蛇者。My father can be at home with those poisonous snakes because he is a snake charmer.

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当这个耍蛇人开始用他的长长的管乐器吹凑一个曲子的时候,这条蛇有什么反应?What did the snake do when the snake charmer began to play a tune with his long pipe?

在印度,人们很容易在市场或街道上发现耍蛇者在表演。In India, one can easily find a snake charmer performing in the market or on the street.

尽管许多女人发现双子男人让人很恼火,但是大多数还是认为他们很迷人的。Though many women find a Gemini man to be exasperating, most of them find him to be a real charmer.

泰国一名玩蛇艺人与一条剧毒的眼镜王蛇接吻19次,力图创下一项新的世界记录。A Thai snake charmer has kissed 19 highly poisonous king cobras in an attempt to set a world record.

当耍蛇人忽然又呼奏起爵士乐和当代流行乐曲时。We were very much surprised when the snake charmer suddenly began to play jazz and modern pop songs.

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当耍蛇人突然又吹奏起爵士乐和现代流行乐曲时,我们感到非常惊奇。We were very much surprised when the snake charmer suddenly began to play jazz tunes and modern pop songs.

当耍蛇人突然又吹奏起爵士乐和现代流行乐曲时,我们感到非常惊讶。We were very much surprised when the snake charmer suddenly began to play jazz tunes and modern pop songs.

耍蛇人一看到我们便拿起一根盖满了硬币的长长的管子并打开了其中的一个篮子。As soon as he saw us, the snake charmer picked up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened one of the baskets.

灵感来自蒲公英吹在风中,在梦幻般的项链,在明确和北极光晶体是一个迷人的所有道路!Inspired by dandelions blowing in the wind, the dreamlike necklace in Aurora borealis and clear crystal is a charmer all the way!

过了一段时间,我们注意到有一个带着两个大筐的耍蛇人在广场的另一边,于是我们走过去看他。After a time, we noticed a snake charmer with two large baskets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a look at him.

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就连当时的联盟标兵“大鸟”伯德与“魔术师”约翰逊也不能免俗,纷纷地充当起了匡威的品牌代言人。Connect the union parade guards at that time " curassow " Byrd and " charmer " Johnson also cannot avoid custom, act as in succession the brand spokesman that removed Kuang Wei.

为了让故事更符合现代读者的口味,新作加入了一些“小花样”,包括吸烟会导致癌症的广告词以及一位跟邦德不相上下的女性。Included will be messages about smoking causing cancer and women who give the charmer a run for his money as "little twists' have been added to make the story suitable for the modern reader."

马来西亚男子哈米德近日打算创造一项新的世界纪录,准备在3月份亲吻一条毒蛇,并试图在10分钟之内与毒蛇完成50次“亲密接触”。A kiss is just a kiss, but it may prove to be the kiss of death for a Malaysian snake charmer who will attempt to set a new world record by planting 50 smooches on a venomous snake in 10 minutes.