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是什么原因让我们产生了不和协?What is causing our disharmony?

这就造成了冲突和不和谐。This creates conflict and disharmony.

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乃至家庭也失去和乐。It can even cause disharmony in a family.

他觉察出这对夫妇不太和睦。He noted the disharmony between husband and wife.

家庭关系不和协可能会引起些小麻烦。Disharmony in your relationship may cause minor ailments.

气血不和,百病乃变化而生。The disharmony of qi and blood may cause various diseases.

对患病者来说,疾病是身体形态内在的不协调。For those who are ill, illness is an internal form of disharmony.

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这些名词相比较是由于它们都表示一种不一致和不协调的状态。These nouns are compared as they mean a state of disagreement and disharmony.

你们中间最聪明的,也仅是一个植物和鬼影的不调合物。Even the wisest among you is only a disharmony and hybrid of plant and phantom.

当此层面被电性频率撞击,不调和的振动发生。As this plane was hit by electrical frequencies, the vibration of disharmony resulted.

法国队在世界杯的失利在部分程度上要归咎于球队内部的不合。France’s bad luck at the World Cup should partly be attributed to disharmony inside the team.

你家老祖宗都是中国老百姓养地,社会不和谐第一宰杀就是你!Your ancestors are Chinese people at home care, the social disharmony is the first slaughter you!

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肝脾不交导致腹胀腹痛、胸胁胀满、泄泻便溏或便秘。Disharmony between the Liver and Spleen causes irritability along with abdominal distension and pain.

暴力等内容塑造社会,造成不和谐的社会生态。Too much report of violence has remoulded our society and led to the disharmony of social ecological system.

然而,在警察天天忙忙碌碌为公众热情服务时,警民关系却越来越不和谐。However, the enthusiasm for public service in the police busy every day, there are more public relations disharmony.

事实上,如果微观层次如大脑处于不和谐的状态,身体健康是不会持久的。Indeed, health in the body is not sustainable if the subtler layers, such as the mind, are in a state of disharmony.

你们中间最聪明的,也仅是一个植物和鬼影的不调合物。但是我想让你们变成植物或鬼影吗?Even the wisest among you is only a disharmony and hybrid of plant and phantom. But do I bid you become phantoms or plants?

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我意愿将那些在其他人那里希望制造冲突与不和谐的人格存有们推出生命之舞。I intend to push out of the life dance those personality entities run in others that wish to create conflict and disharmony.

阿富汗有一种理论认为,那些“两条腿的恶狼”——即圣战组织——恐吓精灵,逼它们进入尘世,引起了纷争。One theory in Afghanistan holds that the mujahideen, "two-legged wolves", scared the jinn out into the world, causing disharmony.

当他们的形态在不和谐的振动中,那些不和谐的人格存有们能接合他们的形态。Those personality entities that were disharmonious could only engage with their forms when their forms were in a state of disharmony.