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他总是沉默寡言,不喜欢跟人交流。The child is always taciturn like this.

不,不,我宁可不善交际而且沉默。No. No, I prefer to be unsociable and taciturn.

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三月里,迪尼茨接替了沉默寡言的伊扎克拉宾所担任的职务。Dinitz had replaced the taciturn yitzhak rabin in march.

小杰弗逊·侯波和他的伙伴们骑着马继续前进。Young Jefferson Hope rode on with his companions, gloomy and taciturn.

或者是他们用那些沉默寡言的人们作为替代用来告诉我另外的一些东西?Or was their replacement by taciturn introverts telling me something else?

但是当话题转向Kinect黑客,摩戴却沉默了。But when the topic turns to the Kinect hackers, Mundie’s demeanor turns taciturn.

他极少说话,而他沉默寡言的举止似乎使他更神秘了。He talked very little and seemed all the more mysterious for his taciturn manner.

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面试官是那种不苟言笑的类型,不过我敢说我的回答很合他意。The interviewer was of the serious, taciturn type, but I could tell the answer registered.

令人惊喜的是对于一些魔法的传言以及我的疑问,他做出了一些回答。But the few people I encountered in Wortham were a taciturn lot, unwilling to answer my inquiries.

扮演沉默寡言的武士久藏的宫口精二在拍摄本片之前从未碰过剑。Seiji Miyaguchi, who played the taciturn samurai Kyuzo, had not touched a sword at all before this movie.

他也许在委内瑞拉,或是乔装成的黎波里某个快餐店里沉默寡言的厨师。He may be in Venezuela or working as a suspiciously taciturn short-order chef in a falafel bar in Tripoli.

对此,一直保持沉默的哈佛文学与社会科学院院长作出了回应。This prompted Michael Smith, the hitherto taciturn dean of Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, to react.

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熟悉丁磊的消息人士透露,丁磊正使出浑身解数,希望这场与政府有关的审批较量尽快结束。A source close to Ding said the taciturn executive is in a real bind over the tussle and hopes the fighting ends soon.

“那么那个罗杰。克莱,大爷,”克朗彻先生板着面孔平静地说,“是你把他放进棺材的么?”That there Roger Cly, master, ' said Mr. Cruncher, with a taciturn and iron-bound visage. 'So you but him in his coffin?

一大清早我们就从郊区开始坐车,我们把衣领高竖到耳朵上,懒洋洋的坐在那,一群沉闷的,没有言语的人。During the early morning ride from the suburb, we sat drowsily with our collars up to our ears, a cheerless and taciturn bunch.

这个以“狄老大”著称而又不苟言笑的得克萨斯州人似乎想通过重振另一个颓废的美国工业巨无霸来重写其成功之道。The taciturn Texan, known as"Big Ed", seems to want to repeat his success by rehabilitating another colossus of American industry.

在增强透明度方面,全美银行中资产排行第四的富国银行不声不响地迈出了一小步。Transparency did at least take a small step forwards at Wells Fargo, America’s fourth-biggest bank by assets and its most taciturn.

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他在人类社会中缺乏耐心又沉默寡言,倾心于杜撰精神的对话以及聆听无穷太空的沉寂和鸟类的歌声。He is impatient and taciturn in society, preferring to spin inner dialogues and listen to the silence of infinite spaces and the songs of birds.

让我们友谊的轻舟,像箭似的向着灿烂的朝阳前进,真正的知音,不须多言。Let our canoe of friendship shoot like an arrow towards the rising sun because the taciturn cooperation among true friends is beyond wordy explanations.

作为高尔夫球场上的杰出人物,这个寡言少语的德州人似乎是从天而降,连续摘取了1937年和1938年的美国公开赛以及1939年的美国大师赛的桂冠。A towering figure on the links, the taciturn Texan seemingly came from nowhere to win successive US Opens in 1937 and 1938, and then the Masters in 1939.