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哦,是关于爱德华吗?Oh, is it about Ed?

你希望叫你爱德?,-是。You want your Ed? -Yeah.

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桑迪唱得比爱迪好。Sandy sings better than Ed.

当他通过电视上埃德?When he appeared on the Ed.

老艾德是我认识最久的朋友。Old Ed was my oldest friend.

但是也要接受驾驶员培训。And you'd also go to drivers ed.

毛毯织不齐,就去学编席。Blanket woven, went to learn Ed.

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今天我参加驾照培训考试。Today, I took my driver's ed test.

“但我们没在I-40公路上啊,”爱德说。“But we’re not on the I-40, ” says Ed.

所以Ed,Asner的Bacon数为一。So, Ed Asner has a Bacon number of one.

“脆鱼手指吃完了,”艾德叫起来。"Finished my fish fingers," pipes up Ed.

瞧,艾得来了,我知道我是被列在他的攻击名单上的。Here comes Ed. I know I'm on his hit list.

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希尔的老板是埃德?毕肖尔靠过身来,点了点头。Hill's boss, Ed Beshore, leans in and nods.

首先你要接受驾驶培训。And first you would need to take driver's ED.

埃德有三个足球和五个排球。Ed has three soccer balls and five volleyballs.

这是杰克韦尔奇,拉里博西迪和埃德胡德。It was Jack Welch , Larry Bossidy, and Ed Hood.

玛丽对艾得开玩笑,可是艾得听懂了。Mary was playing a joke on Ed, but Ed caught on.

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当Edk看到他的校服的时候,他非常惊诧。As Ed looked at his unform,he was very surprised.

干得不错。不过在我的梦里,得按我的规则玩。I'm impre ed. But in my dream, you play by my rules.

风力发电机组防雷。Lightning protection for wind turbine systems TS Ed.