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这是一个令印度人害怕的包围。That has the Indians fearing encirclement.

巴基斯坦害怕被印度及其盟友包围。Pakistan fears encirclement by India and its ally.

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之后还派了兵马包围住少林寺。After also sent from encirclement of the shaolin temple.

种种理想的突围方案均告失败。Ideal plans for breaking out the encirclement completely smashed.

只要我们分歧作,铁筒一般的包围圈就有一个缺口。This opens a breach in the imaginary encirclement caused by our inaction.

目前,正在进行第三次反“围剿”的斗争。" At present, the ongoing anti-third "encirclement and suppression" of the struggle.

围剿的山东纵队的战略计划暂时搁置。Shandong encirclement and suppression of column of the strategic plan is in abeyance.

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美国重新调整它的军队部署加强对中国和俄罗斯的战略包围。The USredirected its troops to strengthen its strategic encirclement of China andRussia.

郭建功立刻开枪掩护,俞显扬则驱车狂奔,冲出包围圈。Guo Jiangong immediately shot the cover, Yu Xianyang was driving out of the encirclement.

包围的九天前被完成时,一个特殊的火车的马车已经到了43从互相联系的。Nine days before the encirclement was complete, a special train of forty-three wagons had arrived from Oels.

这说明上市公司的圈钱动机可能是募集资金使用的重要影响因素。These findings indicate that the utilization of IPO proceeds is motivated by the money encirclement incentive.

政治动员是反“围剿”斗争中第一个重要问题。Political mobilization is a problem of prime importance in the struggle against " encirclement and suppression".

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敌人的包围圈逐步在紧缩,她们不得己弃马上了那座废弃的小楼。Encirclement of the enemy in tightening step by step, they may not have immediately abandon the abandoned building.

盆内延长组油藏为岩性圈闭油藏,严格受沉积相控制。In the basin Yanchang Formation is a lithologic encirclement deposit, and is strictly controlled by sedimentary facies.

陈阵又哆哆嗦嗦地吐出半口气,才侧头去看老人。毕利格正用另一只单筒望远镜观察着狼群的包围圈。Chen exhaled nervously as he turned to look at the old man, who was watching the wolf encirclement through the other telescope.

军事平均主义,到一九三四年第五次反“围剿”时,发展到了极点。Military equalitarianism reached its extreme point in our fifth counter-campaign against " encirclement and suppression" in 1934.

被优势敌军包围,伤亡不断增加,东率领七十个人作最后一搏,试图打破敌人的包围。Surrounded and outnumbered, with casualties mounting, Azuma led seventy men in a last ditch attempt to break the enemy encirclement.

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原来于盛龙早就知道芷寒的身份也早就发现了窃听器,他利用这个窃听器把地下党引进了自己的包围圈。Originally in the Chenglong knew the identity of Zhi cold had found a bug, he used the tap underground introduced its own encirclement.

他和律师走出法院,冲出记者和闪光灯的重围,一头钻进汽车。He and his lawyer walked out of the court, dashing out of the tight encirclement of reporters and flash light, then ducked into the car.

国际金融危机之下,大企业的生存都面临险境,小而专的企业如何突围?Under international banking crisis, of big company live to face dangerous situation, small and only enterprise how break out of an encirclement?