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没有人能够或者愿意解除它的武装。No one is able or willing to disarm it.

超级大国绝不同意裁军。The superpowers never agreed to disarm.

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突击队需要半小时来解除这些雷。They will need a half-hour to disarm them.

她丈夫当时试图让嫌犯缴械。Her husband had tried to disarm his killer.

我们很生气,但他一笑使我们怒气全消。We are angry but he disarm us by his smile.

德国和日本打败后,被解除武装。Germany and japan is disarm after their defeat.

要说服超级大国裁军是很难的。It is difficult to persuade the superpowers to disarm.

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让批评你的人消气,最好的办法就是使他们笑。The best way to disarm your critics is to make them laugh.

裁军谈判的最新情况怎么样?What is the latest state of play in the disarm ament talks?

他们应当正常交战、撤退、投降还是应当试着将他们缴械?Should they engage, retreat, surrender, or attempt to disarm?

玛丽总能以她一个赏心的小微笑赢得我们的好感。Mary can always disarm us with one of her happy little smiles.

由控制中心对箱体进行统一设防和撤防。A control center is used to arm and disarm uniformly on the box body.

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“彬格莱先生,”伊丽莎白说,“你这样谦虚,真叫人家本来要责备你也不好意思责备了。”"Your humility, Mr. Bingley, " said Elizabeth, "must disarm reproof ."

但是靠法律本身来消除互联网的攻讦还不够。But the law by itself cannot do enough to disarm the Internet’s trolls.

测试袪除武装在须要重整武备从此不断变得明白。The attempt to disarm continued after the need to rearm became apparent.

可能有多达40,000前叛军解除武装和重返社会。There could be as many as 40,000 former rebels to disarm and reintegrate.

这些拆弹专家靠技术和运气来拆除炸弹。These bomb-disposal experts rely on both skill and luck to disarm a bomb.

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一点也不难,老大,这些奴隶贩子的破烂我闭着眼睛也能弄开。So little faith , boss, I could disarm this slaver junk with my eyes closed.

你是在设法说服我,让我违心地接受你的看法。You are endeavouring to disarm me by reason, and to convince me against my will.

灵能游荡者可以用解除装置技能来拆卸魔法或者灵能陷阱。Psychic rogues can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic and psionic traps.