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在马德里,轻松与欢快交织一片。In Madrid, relief and rejoicing intertwine

微距镜头——伴随着温和的交织起伏,两人的卷须缠结在一起。MACRO SHOT -- The tendrils INTERTWINE with gentle undulations.

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它们的枝丫纵横交错,仿佛是些用来丈量这旷野的奇怪的标尺。Their branches intertwine and seem to be a strange ruler of measuring the field.

窥淫癖和露阴癖交织在这些刻意挑衅的场景。Voyeurism and exhibitionism intertwine in these purposefully provocative scenes.

死亡、生存、美丽在这些作品中交缠,将时空相隔。Death, birth and beauty intertwine in these works, as do disparate places and times.

对于我们来说,理解到自己的道路和他人有着密不可分的关系,几乎是不可能的。It is nearly impossible for us to understand how our paths intertwine with everyone else's.

这种文化内部的争论与斗争,又往往与政治、经济利益交织在一起。This internal debate and struggle of culture often intertwine with political and economic interests.

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填塞并且使变翘线缠结、交替产生万格盘效应的编织法。A weave in which the filling and warp threads intertwine alternately producing a checkerboard effect.

由此,我的镜头瞄准了“关键词”及其与之并置或缠绕的一个个“关键词的景观”。Therefore, my lens aims to capture these 'Key Words' and juxtapose or intertwine the 'scene' of each key word.

如果你把两棵植物放在一起,他们的根部会纠缠在一起,这也使得他们周围的泥土更加肥沃。If you place two plants near to each other, their roots will intertwine to make the soil richer for both of them.

在中国生意和社交之间有明确的界限,所以尽量不要把两者搅合在一起。There is a demarcation between business and socializing in China, so try to be careful not to intertwine the two.

如果只使用对象,那么这两个区域是交叉的,因为关注点在应用程序中是纠缠在一起的。If you are only using objects, these two areas intertwine as your concern tangles itself throughout your application.

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从结构上讲,DNA是由两条链相互缠绕构成弹簧状结构称为双螺旋。Structurally, DNA is composed of two strands that intertwine to form a spring-like structure called the double helix.

江上、江湖飘、白龙、小美四人纠结终身的业力,能否能有善终?River and river-lake float, white dragon, small beautiful four people, the karma can intertwine lifelong can have ending?

现有的功能深深地编码到网络的内部,就像一团乱麻,而新的特性却还要与旧的相互交织。Existing features are integrally spaghetti-coded into the guts of the network, and new features must intertwine with the old.

传统与非传统安全因素相互交织,不确定和不可预测因素增多,恐怖主义、大规模杀伤性武器扩散和传染病流行等对国际安全构成严重挑战。Traditional security threats intertwine with non-traditional threats, and uncertain and unpredictable factors are on the rise.

布是由多股相互缠绕以常规和替代沿整个长度的柔性板。A cloth is a flexible plate composed of many strands that intertwine in a regular manner and alternative along the entire length.

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你可以将所有祖先的血统看成是一个森林中的树木,其中根、枝、叶彼此相连缠绕。You can think of the lineages of all ancestors as a forest of trees in which the roots and branches and leaves intersect and intertwine.

他们以不可见的形态在海加尔山和临近的费伍德漂浮着,并且逐渐与那些残存在当地的恶魔开始混合。Floating invisibly throughout Mount Hyjal and nearby Felwood, they began to slowly intertwine with the demons that had taken up residence there.

我意愿释放为了绝灭的目的而将人类、海豚鲸鱼、植物、动物或矿物缠绕一体的所有业力与协议。I intend to release all karma and agreements to intertwine humans, dolphins and whales or plants, animals or minerals for the purposes of extinction.