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针织裙适于折叠包装。A knit dress packs well.

她眉头紧锁地深思着。Her brows knit in thought.

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这根断骨能接好吗?。Can this broken bone knit up?

我七岁时就会织毛衣。I could knit when I ws seven.

你能织补撕破的袖子吗?Can you knit a torn sleeve up?

我七岁时就会织毛衣。I could knit when I was seven.

我认识一个喜欢针织的男人。I know a man who loves to knit.

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还有人织毛衣吗?Unit 22 Does anyone still knit?

从脚踝到袖口的针织罗纹。Knit ribbing from ankle to cuff.

她能织补撕破的袖子。She could knit a torn sleeve up.

柔软舒适针织棉帽衫。Soft and cozy knit cotton hoodie.

印花布嵌花编织猎豹打印。Allover intarsia knit cheetah print.

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嵌花编织在中心前面的图形。Intarsia knit graphic at center front.

一次会议后我们结下了友谊。We knit up friendship after a meeting.

你可以在炉边织着毛衣。You can knit a sweater by the fireside.

高品质的嵌花针织棉外衣。High-quality intarsia knit cotton tunic.

你可以烤着炉火打毛衣。You can knit a sweater, by the fireside.

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时间和休息将使断骨愈合。Time and rest will knit a fractured bone.

嵌花编织图标在中心前面的图形。Intarsia knit icon graphic at center front.

她花了一个月的时间织这件毛衣。It took her a month to knit the sweater up.