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几乎整夜下着雨。It rained practically all night.

我几乎滴酒不沾。Li I'm practically a teetotaler.

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那么如何实际地做到这些?So how is this done practically?

能见度几乎为零。Visibility was practically zero.

你和我简直就落单了。You and I are practically alone.

你是几乎没受过教育。You’ve practically no education.

如今她几乎足不出户。She is now practically housebound.

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实际上等于是个骗局。That practically amounts to a fraud.

但是在实践中如何做到这点呢?But how can this be done practically?

我们几乎感觉电视是我们的空气。We practically felt like TV was our air.

这个研究的实际意义是什么呢?So what does this study mean practically?

破产者,你几乎可以嗅出来了。Receivers . You can practically smell them.

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他们打沉我们的航空母舰!They practically sank an aircraft carrier !

这傢伙的伸卡球简直不可能打到。This guy's sinker is practically unhittable.

左翼仍几乎未参战。The left flank remains practically unengaged.

空袭几乎把这座城镇夷为高山。The bombing raid practically leveled the town.

就连骑具和鞍都死一样的。Harnesses and saddles are practically the same.

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我在这方面的知识几乎等于零。My knowledge of the subject is practically nil.

晚装似乎就是性感的同义词。Eveningwear is practically synonymous with sexy.

在如今的世界,这几乎是不可原谅的。In today’s world, this is practically inexcusable.