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我决定去那里学习西点,实现我的梦想。I decided to study Patisserie and realized my dream.

适合和蛋糕、甜品及各式糕点搭配。It goes well with cakes, desserts or dry patisserie.

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这种是最流行的式样,至少我去的那家蛋糕店是这么告诉我的。This particular design was the most popular at the patisserie I visited, or so I was told.

由杏仁口味啲现奶油做成啲意大利风味蛋糕,上面覆盖一层蜜梨&天然果冻。A short pastry base filled with almond flavoured patisserie cream, decorated with pears in syrup and glaze.

这项课程涵盖传统和现代的甜点生产技术和经营管理技能,并包括一些基本的烹饪技巧。This course covers modern and traditional patisserie production techniques and operational management skills and includes some basic cooking.

整个巫师世界到处都在为你庆生。这种是最流行的式样,至少我去的那家蛋糕店是这么告诉我的。They're celebrating your birthday all over the wizarding world. This particular design was the most popular at the patisserie I visited, or so I was told.

在现代和当代的气氛,无花果和橄榄提供健康的午餐和自制的糕点和巧克力最好的选择。Set in a modern and contemporary atmosphere, Figs and Olives serves up healthy lunch options and the finest selection of homemade patisserie and chocolates.

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这种双重感受加强了店内的动感性,它将蛋糕展示的亲密感同开阔厨房及周围社区环境的集中性相混杂。This duality reinforces the dynamic of the Patisserie juxtaposing the intimacy of the pastry display with the intensity of the open kitchen and surrounding social nodes.

成功地完成本课程后,学生将能够从事酒店业的甜点行业的运作,监督和管理方面的工作。Upon the successfully completion of this course students will be able to work in the operational, supervisory and management aspects of the patisserie stream of the hospitality industry.

长长窄窄的蛋糕店演绎一个漂浮着的天花板,它一直延伸至整个室内,将人们从街上吸引到厨房的纵深处。The long, narrow proportions of the 2,600 sf Patisserie is reinforced by a floating ceiling running the length of the interior, drawing the patron in from Queen Street to the depths of the kitchen.