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他是一个温和、不惹人讨厌的人。He is a mild, inoffensive man.

它是三种中性情最温和的。It is the most inoffensive of the three.

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确实,他是一个可爱无害的家伙。Indeed, he was a lovable, inoffensive fellow.

这听起来并没用什么,但实际上这是一个押韵俚语,非常粗鲁。It sounds inoffensive but it's actually rhyming slang for something rude.

审查员删去了该书的精华以取悦于总统。The censors eviscerated the book to make it inoffensive to the President.

Songpol先生说,培育出来的榴莲新品种闻起来像香蕉,一点也不臭。The specially bred durian smells as inoffensive as a banana, Mr Songpol says.

他的脸上经常带着温和的、宽厚的、类乎歉意的表情。His face habitually held an expression which was mild and inoffensive , almost apologetic.

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冈萨雷斯为人谦恭有礼,不讨人嫌,在平权法案和堕胎问题上也都持温和态度。Mr Gonzales is a polite and inoffensive man. He has moderate views on affirmative action and abortion.

盘查系介于任意性调查行为与强制性调查行为之间的中间行为。Interrogation and check is an intermediate behavior between inoffensive investigation and compulsory investigation.

他们知道这个托钵僧是一个老老实实、与世无争的人,是一个自己心中从不想伤害别人而且认为别人也跟他-'样没有恶意的人。They knew the Dervise to be an honest, inoffensive man, and one who thought of no more harm in others than he had in himself.

历史上以为用温情讨好敌人就能保护自由的人,断无得以生存。No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies.

据当地媒体报道,英国基尔大学研究人员发现,人在不断咒骂时忍受疼痛的时间更长。Scientists at Keele University in UK have found that people can withstand pain longer if they swear compared to when using inoffensive words.

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埃斯皮诺萨笨拙地漏掉了阿尔特塔本无威胁的角球,这次终于是埃弗顿球员率先作出反应,雅盖尔卡抢射破门。Rorys Aragón Espinoza fumbled an inoffensive Arteta corner and for once an Evertonian reacted quickest, Jagielka poking the ball over the line.

在维护成文法权威的前提下,体现了刑事司法从“有害的正义”到“无害的正义”的进步。The emergence of the restorative justice made the progress from "offensive justice" to "inoffensive justice" without menacing the authority of the written laws.

蛇咬们总会在向新行星迁移时带上一些精选的毒蛇,以备移居地土生的蛇种太过温和无用时仪式之需。Snakebite Orks always carry a selection of venomous serpents with them when they migrate to new planets, just in case the indigenous lifeforms prove to be unsuitably inoffensive.

每年农历新年播出的央视春节联欢晚会是每年全球观众人数最多的节目之一,今年吸引了7.5亿人观看。Its Spring Festival gala, an inoffensive variety show broadcast every Lunar New Year, is one of the world's most-watched broadcasts every year, with 750 million tuning in this year.