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世界上的最佳人才都喜欢做最高级的工作。The optimal talent on the world likes to do ritzy work.

棕榈泉有高档的餐厅和奢华的夜生活。Palm Springs has ritzy restaurants and glitzy nightlife.

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也有一些咖啡馆和精品店是非常豪华的。There are also some coffee shops and boutiques that are very ritzy.

和你的同伴交换衣服是另外一种时尚潮流。That's another ritzy fashion term for swapping your clothes with your mates.

在德黑兰北部的高雅公寓大楼之上,白雪已经覆盖了群山。Fresh snow whitened the mountains above the ritzy high-rise condos of North Tehran.

现在他结了婚,在奢华的东京湾地区一所高档住房里有自己的私人工作室。Now he has a wife and a private office in a fancy apartment building near ritzy Tokyo Bay.

玩家永远是“势利”的,真正好玩的游戏才会是他们必然的选择。The player is forever " ritzy " , truly interesting game just can be them inevitable choice.

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福斯特销售西雅图郊区的豪华住房已经三十年了,她以前就见识过外国购买潮。Foster has sold homes in ritzy Seattle suburbs for three decades and has seen foreign buying booms before.

如果搬进豪华社区还意味着来回奔波的时间更长了,那可能会进一步伤害你的幸福感。Moving into a ritzy neighborhood would be even more harmful to your happiness if it means a longer commute.

没有了钱,没有了贵族学校,没有了豪华的假期,我开始学着过中低层阶级的生活。I learned to live a lower-middle-class life now that the cash, fancy school, and ritzy vacations were all gone.

她说,如果她的生活是在深圳开始的,也许就不会这么“势利”,现在被生活的压力逼得“势利”了起来。She says, if her life begins in Shenzhen, perhaps won't so " ritzy " , the pressure that is lived now forces " ritzy " rise.

这个伦敦上流住宅区的豪华酒店包括了一个贵族奢侈的绅士俱乐部,从床边的地毯和玫瑰和白色维多利亚式的外观。This London hotel in ritzy Mayfair combines a gent’s club feel with oodles of luxury, starting from the red entrance carpet and rose and white Victorian facade.

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作为曼哈顿岛东区和西区分界线的地标性主要大道,第五大道始终都是纽约时尚生活的一个标志。A major landmark avenue that divides the island of Manhattan into the West Side and the East Side, Fifth Avenue has always been a symbol of the ritzy life of New York.

布朗表示,“即使生物柴油业能发展到如我们所愿,它也只能生产出这个国家每天所需燃料的一小部分,这也就是为什么生物柴油的用户不应是送孩子上学的主妇或加州招摇的影星,而是被用于与环保息息相关的地方。”That is why biodiesel should not be used by Mrs. McGuinty to take her kids to school or by a ritzy California star. It should be used in environmentally sensitive areas,” Brown says.

阿诺的竞选团队在结束投票后仅仅20分钟就宣告了胜利,在这个豪华的选举之夜,他的支持者们高兴地聚集在比弗利山的希尔顿酒店。Schwarzenegger's campaign team declared victory barely 20 minutes after polls closed, delighting supporters who had gathered for a ritzy election night party at the Beverly Hilton hotel.

这些伦敦中心豪华宅邸里的展览,毗邻着伦敦价格最高昂的地区,与稍早一些的另类街区里,粗糙的地下艺术品交易完全不同。Goodor bad, these temporary exhibits in ritzy mansions in central London’s mostexpensive neighborhoods, are a far cry from the gritty underground arthappenings of earlier alternative venues.

该公司的上海项目是一座豪华酒店,位于新天地这个奢华地带。由于项目主要投资方、美籍商人廖凯原可能出售股份,这个项目陷入了停工。The company's Shanghai project -- a luxury hotel in the city's ritzy Xintiandi district -- has been beset by delays due to a possible sale by the primary investor, American businessman Leo KoGuan.