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研究的最终目的在于应用。Application is the ultima thule of study.

您给我们的终极事件愚蠢的护身符!You sent us stupid amulet for ultima event!

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打造沈阳航母式广告服务机构是帕诺人最终的目标!To be an aircraft carrier advertising agency is our ultima aim!

这就是摇滚乐热切渴望到达的极地吗?Is this the Ultima Thule that rock music has long been aiming for?

高阶效应均使最终频谱得到了不同程度的展宽。And the high-order effects always broaden the ultima spectrum at different levels.

作者就PCOS中存在多种与MS以及最终的心血管病变相关因子改变作一综述。Several factors related to MS and the ultima angiocardiopathy change exist in PCOS.

加略特从没见过这个人,但这伙计——一个忠诚的创世纪游戏迷,却认得他。Garriott has never seen him before, but the dude—clearly a diehard Ultima fan—knows him.

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第一部分讨论了刑法谦抑性的含义、理论根基。The first part discusses the conception and theoretical base of "ultima ratio ofpenalty".

动画呈现终极盘古大陆显示,未来学想法的大胆运作。An animated depiction of Pangea Ultima demonstrates a bold exercise in futuristic thinking.

加上每年7晚在逸祥会所或金皇冠度假酒店连锁的免费住宿。Plus 7-day free stay at Club Ultima or any Crown Regency operated hotels nationwide annually.

由创世纪网站设计的网站完全兼容所有的现代标准和浏览器。Websites designed by Ultima Website are fully compatible with all modern standards and browsers.

从机场坐车约十分钟,我就闻名遐迩的海滩——天涯海角。After thirty minutes ' driving from the airport, I got to the most famous beach---- Ultima Thule.

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我期待有人破解与建设方案,以建立一个黑客的终极主的知识。I am looking for someone with knowledge on building hack programs to build a hack for Lord of Ultima.

同时,最终的多类分类器中包含较少的子分类器,提高了分类速度。And, ultima multi-class classifier includes a few sub-classifiers, and therefore enhances classification speed.

今天的在线角色扮演游戏,例如「络创世纪」「叙朗的呼唤」等,已经比「域奇遇」步得多。Today's online role-playing games, such as Ultima Online and Asheron's Call, have come a long way since Dungeons and Dragons.

建筑师崔悦君设计的终极塔楼的想法最初来源于他关于紧凑的旧金山地域的一部分研究。Architect Eugene Tsui originally conceived the idea of the Ultima Tower as part of a study of the compact urban area of San Francisco.

设计构想中的Ultima塔有一个6000英尺直径的底座,500层楼面叠加构成一个巨大的圆锥形,覆盖总共63平方英里的空间面积。The proposed Ultima Tower will have a 6, 000ft base diameter with 500 storeys shaped like a giant cone that encloses 53 square miles of space.

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据我所知,很多用户不与创世纪项链激动作为章事件的报酬,但到底有什么可抱怨的?I understand that a lot of users aren't thrilled with the Ultima Necklace as a reward for the Chapter Event, but what is there really to complain about?

他设计的Ultima塔高2英里可以应对寸土寸金的旧金山的人口激增问题。His design for the 2 mile tall Ultima Tower in San Francisco is a response to increasing population density in San Francisco where space comes at a premium.

这一机制,再辅以IMF的援助,被认为是在市场资金不足情况下的最终解决办法。This mechanism, complementing International Monetary Fund financing, has to be considered ultima ratio, meaning in particular that market financing is insufficient.