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他心中对你并无怨恨。He has no rancor at heart against you.

你已经死在过深的怨愤里了吗?。Have you perished in this deep rancor and bitterness?

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在无处可去、越来越老的时候,为什么要制造怨恨?Why create rancor whenthere’s nowhere to go but down?

如果现在我见到当年击中我的狙击手,我会不带任何敌意地对待他。I know now that I could talk to the man who shot me and feel no rancor.

实际上,他很同情死囚中那位杀掉兰克兽的人。In fact, he sympathized with one of the prisoners for killing the rancor beast.

为赫特人贾巴效力的兰克饲养员洛林丹应该是加林丹的亲戚。A supposed relative of Garindan, Lorindan, worked as a rancor keeper for Jabba the Hutt.

但是我们仍然可以本着合作的精神推进这些磋商,不再纠缠于相互的积怨。But we can move these discussions forward in a spirit of partnership rather than rancor.

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我没有怨恨,也没有失望,也没有堕落,一切都是那样顺其自然的。I have no rancor nor disappointment, also do not have fallen, everything is so naturally.

我们必须一起努力,不计悔痛,不需反责,抛弃愤怒或积怨。We must join in a common effort, without remorse or recrimination, without anger or rancor.

布什总统即将访问中东引发阿拉伯媒体的猛烈批评和敌视。President Bush's visit to the Middle East comes amid waves of criticism and rancor from the Arab press.

但是,人们言谈中的怨艾情绪助长了有害无益的气氛,为努力解决某些更根本的问题造成了障碍。But the rancor of the debate fuels an unproductive atmosphere and hinders efforts to address some more fundamental concerns.

他说不可能对丹麦心怀仇恨,因为两国间有这么多异族婚姻和联系。He said it was impossible to feel rancor toward Denmark, given all of the intermarriage and connections between the countries.

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当兰克还在品尝其他人时,他逃进兰克圈,扣动猎枪扳机,以极其精准的枪法打死三名守卫。While the rancor feasted on its victims, Wam fled into its holding pen, and fired his rifle, killing three guards with the utmost precision.

奥巴马的医疗改革计划陷入了党派争斗的泥潭,美国经济依然不稳,不过金融危机已经基本过去了。Obama's health care overhaul plan is mired in partisan rancor and the economy is still shaky, though the financial crisis has largely passed.

给我们选举权,我们就会平静非暴力,不引起怨恨和苦难,使1954年5月17日最高法院的决议生效Give us the ballot and we will quietly and nonviolently, without rancor or bitterness, implement the Supreme Court's decision of May 17, 1954.

今年一月份,在胡锦涛主席对华盛顿进行国事访问期间,双方领导人都在努力驱散一直在慢慢积累的敌意。In January, during a state visit to Washington by President Hu Jintao, leaders worked hard to dispel the rancor that had been slowly building.

比如,当漂亮的提列克奴隶乌拉没能取悦贾巴时,她就被喂给住在贾巴王座室地下的恐怖怪兽兰克。For example, the beautiful Twi'lek slave Oola was fed to the terrible rancor monster living beneath Jabba's throne room when she failed to amuse him.

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这一政策性的转变是为了减轻过去一周中卡尔扎伊在寻求国家支持集会中所爆发的积怨,他在机会中指责西方干涉他国内政。The turnabout is a bid to ease the rancor of the past week that flared after Karzai, seeking to rally national support, accused the West of meddling in his nation.

基于同样的精神,我在此要向总统当选人小布希表示,政党之间的积怨必须摆在一边,愿上帝保佑他的领导。Well, in that same spirit, I say to President-elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside, and may God bless his stewardship of this country.

那么,在这样的精神下,我对候选总统布什说,我们一定要将党派之争结下的仇恨抛诸脑后,愿主保佑他好好管理这个国家。Well, in that same spirit, I say to president-elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside, and may God bless his stewardship of this country.