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这是一个关,这个关必须过。This is a bottleneck which should be overcome.

那起事故使快车道一下子变成了一个拥挤的狭口。The accident turned the freeway into a bottleneck.

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巴拉那港将成为出口的主要瓶颈地带。The port of Paranagua could be the main bottleneck.

对于我的事件来说,瓶颈是我电脑的表现。The bottleneck in my case was the performance of my computer.

鉴别和确定制作工中的瓶颈工序。Identify and determine the bottleneck of manufacturing process.

而四字更是方言学习的瓶颈。Besides, four-word seems to be the bottleneck of dialect learning.

第四章,独特艺术风格与存在问题。Chapter IV, self-writing style of the shape and writing bottleneck.

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基于磁盘的存储子系统是计算机主要瓶颈。So disk-based storage system is the main bottleneck of computer system.

请确保网络或任何中间集线器都不会成为瓶颈。Make sure that the network or any intermediate hubs are not a bottleneck.

人员缺乏已经给货运部带来了困难。The lack of personnel has caused a bottleneck in the shipping department.

“今天,视觉是人工智能的一个颈瓶”,马毅说。“Right now, vision is a bottleneck for artificial intelligence,” Ma says.

在这个过程中,回程瓶颈变得更加突出。In the process, the bottleneck affect of backhaul has become more prominent.

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提出了BTO供应链的时间瓶颈识别方法。A method of time bottleneck identification in BTO supply chain is established.

人到中年的陈志,事业发展遭遇瓶颈。The person arrives middleaged Chen Zhi, career progress encounters bottleneck.

功能验证是百万门级IC设计中的一个重要瓶颈。Functional verification is an important bottleneck in millions gates IC design.

创新型包装技术如何助力品牌突围研发瓶颈?Innovation packaging technique how to push brands to breakthrough R&D bottleneck?

突破这个瓶颈的办法是恶补典型材料。The method of breaking through the bottleneck is to bone up on typical materials.

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这是限制非AA组野生稻有利基因转移的“瓶颈”。This is the "bottleneck" for transferring elite genes from wild rice to O. sativa.

建模方法一直是LTCC电路计算机辅助设计技术的主要瓶颈。Modeling still remains a major bottleneck for efficient LTCC circuits CAD technique.

对系统进行压力测试和监视的目的是为了确定瓶颈。The objective of stressing and monitoring the system is to determine the bottleneck.