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一姓名、性别、年龄、住址。Name, sex, age, and domiciliary address.

在定期检查我发现了与BAL的一个休眠住所的帐户。On a routine inspection I discovered a dormant domiciliary account with a BAL.

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在对这两部分内容论述之前,先对古代户籍制度做了一个简单的介绍。On the two parts, before this ancient domiciliary system to make a brief introduction.

这是确切数额,他在他的住所前银行账户的丑恶事件发生。This is the exact amount he has in his domiciliary bank account before the ugly incident occurred.

它可能感兴趣你知道,他有一个家居银行帐户与我们的银行。Christian Adams. It might interest you to know that he has a domiciliary bank account with our bank.

依第一项第三款规定申请者,为同姓名者之户籍誊本。The transcript of domiciliary register carrying the same name in case the application is made pursuant to sub-paragraph 3, paragraph 1.

好美家不仅是企业的连锁,而且是服务的连锁,“光明热线”的铃声不断,劳模上门服务的事例不断。Haomeijia not only enterprises chain, but the chain services, "bright line" for the alarm rings continuously, the model workers domiciliary visits stories constantly.

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迁徙自由是一项基本人权,我国现行的户籍制度是在高度集中的计划经济体制下产生的,现在已经暴露出严重的滞后性。The freedom of changing one's residence is a basic human right, our country present domiciliary system is under planned economy system, it has exposed the serious lag.

家庭护士大部分时间管理病人家中生活的事务,她的工作涉及老年人和慢性病人的长远目标护理。A home nurse is likely to be ending much time undertaking domiciliary duties and much of the work is concerned with the elderly and chronic sick and their long term care.

家庭护士大部分时间管理病人家中生活的事务,她的工作涉及老年人和慢性病人的长远目标护理。A home nurse is likely to be spending much time undertaking domiciliary duties and much of the work is concerned with the elderly and chronic sick and their long term care.

精神科医院的社区工作和出院辅导组,为出院病人提供精神科社康护理服务和家居职业治疗服务。Community work and after-care units of psychiatric hospitals offer community psychiatric nursing service and domiciliary occupational therapy service to discharged patients.

一部分处在义务教育阶段的流动儿童因为户籍制度、家庭经济等各方面的原因,无法进入城市公办学校就学。So the compulsory education problem of them appears. Because of domiciliary institution and family economic, a part of migrant children cannot study in the state-owned school.

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认为消除制度障碍、促进农民工城市定居转移是我国实现未来城市化目标的必由之路和当务之急。It concludes that the major obstacle for the peasant worker's settling down in city comes from the pushing force of serial regulations cored by the urban domiciliary control system.

所以,我国宪法应尽早恢复迁徙自由,并实行适应市场经济的新户籍制度。Therefore, our country should restore the freedom of changing one's residence to the constitution as soon as possible, and implement new domiciliary system to adapt for the market economy.

本文从迁徙自由权出发,剖析我国户籍制度与该公约的法律冲突,并提出法律调整的途径。The thesis analyses the conflicts of law between the domiciliary control system in China and the Convention from the rights of migratory freedom, and points out the ways of legal adjustment.