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头顶是蜘蛛网和电线,空气弥漫着汗和胡椒油的味道。The air was tangy with sweat and pepper oil.

未经一番寒彻骨,焉得梅花扑鼻香。Without a cold biting, nothing is tangy incense.

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这种茶配上这种重口味的柠檬塔非常完美。The tea goes with this tangy lemon tart perfectly.

羊不错那弦声怎么样够紧张吗?。Yeah, the goat was good. were the strings tangy enough?

食用时油还冒着泡,香气扑鼻。The oil when edible still is risking bubble, aroma is tangy.

我在哪里可以看扑鼻鳄梨酱完全免费电影在线流?Where can I watch Tangy Guacamole movie online free full stream?

有的花是香味扑鼻,色泽鲜艳,就像艳季。Some flowers is tangy scent, bright color, like colourful season.

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米黄色自活动粉沫,带有幽香扑鼻的柑橘滋味。An off white to pale yellow free-flowing powder, with tangy citrus taste.

在越南的河内,津津有味地品尝一碗热腾腾的牛肉河粉。Slurp up a bowl of steaming hot Pho, a tangy beef noodle soup, in Hanoi, Vietnam.

清香的桃子派,带着一点点酸甜,是结束晚餐的最后一道。再好不过了!It is little peachy , tangy and right amount sweet touch is perfect to end the dinner.

揉合浓郁的煤烟、清爽的柠檬和青柠、辛辣的胡椒和掺杂玉桂辛香的太妃糖气味。A beguiling mix of peat smoke, tangy lemon and lime, pepper and cinnamon-spiced toffee.

青芥辣特有的冲鼻香味,可消除海鲜的生腥味。The particular sharp tangy flavor of horseradish can eliminate raw fishy smell of seafoods.

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沉重、冰冷、有强烈的盐味,这是他的鳃呼吸过的最富饶的海水。Heavy, cold, yet tangy with salt, it was the richest water he'd ever drawn across his gills.

用地沟油做成的菜香气扑鼻,能使简单的家常菜拥有意想不到的味道。The smoky, tangy flavor associated with gutter oil can do wonders to simple, everyday dishes.

素菜会让你有更长时间地满腹感,而浓烈的气味也会让你的味蕾保持新鲜。The veggies will keep you fuller longer and the tangy flavor will keep your taste buds happy.

酒体中等偏醇厚,果酸卓越而突出,是一款顶级水准的巴贝拉红葡萄酒。Medium to full-bodied with excellent concentration and tangy acidity, it is a top flight Barbera.

今年最热门的是一种凉爽汽水饮料,是有强烈味道和陌生名字的发酵饮料——康普茶。This year's hottest cool beverage is a fizzy, fermented drink with a tangy taste and a strange name.

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这样的啤酒还能搭配加了墨西哥胡椒或浓芥茉的汉堡和牛排。Such beers also work with burgers and steaks that have been touched up with jalapenos or tangy mustards.

两只色香味美的大虾油炸后,配以青苹果丁和美味的罗望子酱。Two succulent large prawns are deep fried and then overed with diced green apples and a tangy tamarind sauce.

在进行了超过30年的麻疹疫苗接种之后,这一疫苗已被证明安全有效。After more than 30 years of measles vaccination, this vaccine has proven its safety and efficacy," said Tangy.