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执行失败。Exec failure.

交换器组态模式是经由特权执行模式进入的。Switch configuration mode is entered from Privileged EXEC mode.

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在行政管家的同意下定购花卉。Ordering of flowers after the approval of the Exec. Housekeeper.

公司的执行团队当然是注意到了,但是忽略了它。And the company's exec team surely noticed. Then they ignored it.

如何捕获和PHP执行多行输出命令发布吗?。How to capture multi-line output for commands issued with PHP exec?

“该死的,小伙子”她那谢顶的副官说,“你不需要向我敬礼!”"Damn, boy, " her bald-headed exec said, "you don't have to salute me! "

“可怜的伙计谁不使用他们的枪子弹,”一位执行官。"Pity the folks who didn't use the bullets in their gun, " says a former exec.

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于是发布任何功能之前,他们都要进行一次评审。And then before you actually release anything, they may want yet another exec review.

既然我没有我的客户EXEC键调整,我需要一个网站和一个客户端EXEC键模板。Since I don't have my client exec tuned, I need a website and a client exec template.

可以在EXEC模式下,执行图所示的工作,来显示转换相关的资讯。Translation information may be displayed by performing one of the tasks in EXEC mode.

“她要发挥柯特妮的提名邦妮收缩,”执行制片人比尔告诉劳伦斯电子战。"She's going to play Courteney's shrink named Bonnie, " exec producer Bill Lawrence tells EW.

刚才我们只是在主菜单里面建立了一个菜单项,子菜单又该如何建立呢?很简单。Now what about submenus? Right now any exec entry is going to be in the main menu. Its easy really.

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负责MobileMe的主管就是在一次笨拙的发布会后在他的整个团队面前被当场撤换。The exec in charge of MobileMe was replaced on the spot, in front of his entire team, after a botched launch.

全域组态模式和所有其他更多特定组态模式只能从特权EXEC模式到达。Global configuration mode and all other more specific configuration modes can only be reached from the privileged EXEC mode.

作为一家纽约市健康公司的人力资源高管,哈里斯认为自己所面临的挑战是“对上级和同级的管理”。The top human resources exec at a New York City-based health company saw his challenges as "managing up and managing sideways."

“很简单,”执行经理回答说。“那个人的任务是喂狗,而如果那人碰计算机,狗就会咬他。”"It's simple, " replied the exec. "The man's job is to feed the dog. The dog's job is to bite the man if he touches the computer. "

一位广告业者告诉我,要判断是电视广告还是其它因素引发了流量的提升,还有点言之过早。One advertising exec tells me that it is still too early to tell whether that lift was directly caused by the TV ads or by other factors.

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罗宾逊的提前离职导致前BBC高管马克•汤普森被任命为首席执行官,据报道汤普森和艾布拉姆森的关系也很紧张。Robinson's early exit led to the CEO appointment of former BBC exec Mark Thompson, who reportedly had a tense relationship with Abramson.

但在每个好莱坞工作室经理决定把所有未来电影中全部引入三维技术和蓝皮肤的异星人之前,我们需要对这部电影进行更加全面的探讨。But before every Hollywood studio exec decides that all future movies must be in 3-D and feature blue aliens, it's worth getting a little perspective on the film.

“看门人和副总裁的区别”训导词——据说是乔布斯对每位升任公司副总裁级别的管理人员必讲的管理心得。The sermon on the "Difference Between the Janitor and the Vice President" -- a kind of managerial parable Jobs reportedly tells every exec who reaches the VP level