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这把迈锡尼匕首已有3000多年的历史。This Mycenaean dagger is over 3000 years old.

是迈锡尼的青铜时代吗Was it the world of the Mycenaean Bronze Age?

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在迈锡尼社会就没有这样的情况There's nothing like that in the Mycenaean world.

其中最重要的是米诺斯文明和迈锡尼文明。The most significant were the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations.

所有迈锡尼的宫殿都有这种正厅,住宅中也采用。The megaron was found in all Mycenaean palaces and also in houses.

青铜时期的迈锡尼文化被完全摧毁You have the destruction completely of the Mycenaean Bronze Age culture.

你彻底摧毁了爱琴海文化青铜时期的文化。You have the destruction completely of the Mycenaean Bronze Age culture.

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第一,迈锡尼文明的粘土碑没有被估计到会这么早就出现。First, Mycenaean tablets weren't thought to have been created so early, he said.

因此,该网站提供的主要的新的见解的运作迈锡尼社会。As such the site offers major new insights into the workings of Mycenaean society.

你看到的是一种文化的统一体,首先,在迈锡尼文明内部文化就是统一的What you see is a kind of cultural unity, first of all, within the Mycenaean world itself.

从荷马的作品中我们了解到,体育运动在公元前1600年到1100年间的迈锡尼时代就已经逐渐形成了。Homer tells us that sport was practiced in Mycenaean times, between 1600 BC and ca. 1100 BC.

我们该如何称呼在迈锡尼文明社会坍塌之前生活在这片区域的希腊居民呢?The Greeks who lived in the area before the fall of the Mycenaean world, what were they called?

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米诺斯文化对希腊本土的迈锡尼文化产生了巨大的影响。The Minoans exerted great influence on the Mycenaean culture of the Greek islands and mainland.

这些数字开始出现在15世纪迈锡尼保护区和墓葬年代。These figures began to appear during the 15 th century B. C. in Mycenaean sanctuaries and tombs.

公元前12世纪以后的一、二百年内,迈锡尼文明逐渐衰落。The 12th century BC, after a couple of hundred years, the gradual decline of Mycenaean civilization.

因此也有很多东西,和迈锡尼文明时期无关And then, of course, there's lots of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with the Mycenaean period.

那么,这就是这个术语的含义,黑暗时代,它紧随着,迈锡尼文明的陨落到来So, that's what is meant by the term, Dark Ages, and that's what does follow the fall of the Mycenaean world.

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因此,以城堡和周围的农田为根基,组成了称为迈锡尼帝国的文明So, the citadel and the farmland surrounding it, make up fundamentally the unit which is the Mycenaean kingdom.

到目前为止与任何其他水下遗址相比,该发现能使人们对迈锡尼社会的运行方式有更多的理解。More than any other underwater site so far, the find offers potential insights into the workings of Mycenaean society.

你可以在一些发掘的工具及其他物品,特别是某种陶器上,发现迈锡尼文明的影子遍布地中海区域You find Mycenaean elements, tools, other things, pottery particularly of a certain kind, all over the Mediterranean Sea.