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这样应该可以去掉编辑错误。This should get rid of your compilation errors.

运行编译和打包的子过程。Run the compilation and packaging sub-processes.

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只有在模板编译时才需要它们。They are only required for template compilation.

编译中所有源代码文件的副本。A copy of all source-code files in the compilation.

1912年任法典编纂会纂修。Codification will be appointed in 1912 Compilation.

这张精选集在1984年首次以唱片形式发行。This compilation was first issued on vinyl in 1984.

集一卷,今编诗二卷。Set volume, this compilation Poetry Volumes I and II.

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这是我在选编时理所当然的想到的。That's certainly what this compilation has me thinking.

指导编写中国外交史。It oversees the compilation of China's diplomatic history.

为编译中的每个源代码文件创建一个。Asm is created for each source code file in the compilation.

一个程式必须不能尝试巢状编译定义。A program shall not attempt to nest compilation of definitions.

史志目录编纂与研究。Compilation and research of catalogue records in history books.

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第十七条编制城市规划应当具备勘察、测量及其他必要的基础资料。Article 17. For the compilation of the plan for a city, data on.

所有注册信息的正确性在编译过程中验证。All registrations are verified for correctness during compilation.

该模块将用于编译紧急情况触发模块。This will be used for compilation of our panic instigation module.

可重定向编译技术正好能满足这一需求。Retargetable compilation technologies are to meet this requirement.

在启动时受程序控制的编译,启用了重新编译Program-controlled compilation at startup with recompilation enabled

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在启动时受程序控制的编译,禁用了重新编译Program-controlled compilation at startup with recompilation disabled

为了让这个方法起作用,Helios使用了两步的编译过程。For this approach to work, Helios uses a two-step compilation process.

无论如何,拉维切汇集的证据和讨论是压倒性的。Still, Ravitch's compilation of evidence and argument is overwhelming.