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你出的起这笔费用吗?Can you afford the expense?

费用高得使人不敢问津。The expense is prohibitive.

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我出不起这笔费用。I can ill afford the expense.

她对这项支出强烈反对。She protested about the expense.

我要怎样提交报销单?How do I submit an expense report?

我有一张免税的报销单。I have an untaxed expense account.

不惜花费,大造声势。No expense or reputation is spared.

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你可以给我一张报销单吗?Could you give me an expense report?

他既不辞劳苦也不惜费用。He spared neither pains nor expense.

马图尔反对额外的开支。Mathur demurred at the added expense.

听一个含有自认倒楣,自我牺牲的笑话。Listen to a joke at one's own expense.

诉讼或多或少总要花钱。A lawsuit involves more or less expense.

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他的演讲里有好多笑话都是拿我开涮。His speech is full of jokes at my expense.

我不知道那份假的报销单。I don't know how that phony expense report.

吩我来说-拥有一量汽车的花费太大。It's too of an expense for me to own a car.

有谁当兵,自备粮饷呢?Who serves as a soldier at his own expense?

我的费用项目里可以让我搭飞机的头等舱吗?Can I fly first-class on my expense account?

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他捡回了一条命——代价是自己的尊严。He had his life-at the expense of his pride.

慢慢地,“爸爸”们以牺牲风流本性为代价进化了。Slowly, dads evolved at the expense of cads.

牺牲名誉,苟且偷生。They purchase life at the expense of honour.