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MIDI音乐可以由定序器生成。MIDI music can be created with a sequencer.

中间的转换器包括一台固定的音序器引擎。MID Converter includes a built-in sequencer engine.

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同时该型仪器是目前自动化程度最高的测序仪。Moreover, this model is the most automatic sequencer so far.

一个信徒生命科技,大音序器制造商。One believer is Life Technologies, a big sequencer manufacturer.

一个板上序列发生器产生的所有内部曝光和读超时时间。An on-board sequencer generates all internal exposure and timing of read-outs.

但该公司是通过Illumina公司,现在占主导地位的编曲业务。But the company was passed by Illumina, which now dominates the sequencer business.

安装的目录需要匹配客户端的虚拟磁盘。The installation drive on your sequencer should match the virtual drive on the client.

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我们这次拆除序或多或少完全才建成,它再度回升。This time we dismantled the sequencer more or less completely before we built it back up again.

例如,在最大参数现场的步进音序器可以使用的Launchpad触发的按钮。For example, parameters on Max for Live's step sequencer can be triggered using Launchpad's buttons.

单个DNA测序仪现在能够在一天内产生人类基因组计划花费10年所收集的数据。A single DNA sequencer can now generate in a day what it took 10 years to collect for the Human Genome Project.

贝勒基因组序列检测员理查德·吉布斯小组成员利用机器开展对鲁普斯基基因的研究。With sequencing costs falling, Baylor genome sequencer Richard Gibbs's team ran Lupski's DNA through its machines.

博士Rothberg是离子的洪流中,上个月开始销售它调用编曲机的个人基因组的创始人。Dr. Rothberg is the founder of Ion Torrent, which last month began selling a sequencer it calls the Personal Genome Machine.

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但是,可以采取抽样准备一天以上,且设备这样做的费用几乎一样序列本身一样重。But preparing the sample can take more than a day, and the equipment to do that costs almost as much as the sequencer itself.

重组体用克隆位点上游和下游的T7和T3启动子序列为测序引物,用自动测序仪测序鉴定克隆的正确性。The recombinant was sequenced by automatic sequencer with promoters T7 in upstream and T3 in downstream as sequencing primers.

她是一个“音序器引擎”因为她提供了音序器的真实驱动但没有提供任何奇特的界面。It is a 'sequencer engine' because it provides the actual driving force elements of a sequencer but provides no form of fancy interface.

进行交通控制时,采用模糊控制器和相序优化器联合控耕。A simplified traffic flow model for the road intersection was proposed and a fuzzy logic controller based on the phase sequencer was developed.

他近期正在尝试研发一个原创的循环软体与硬体音序器,而不再使用传统的线性循序系统DTM软体。Recently he tries to make an original circular software and hardware sequencer instead of using DTM software, a traditional liner sequence system.

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研究了多相位智能交通控制器中实现的绿波带控制算法、半感应控制算法、全感应控制算法以及基于相序优化的自适应控制算法。The paper presents the arithmetic of green-wave control, half-induction control, full-induction control and self-adaptive control based phase sequencer.

她认为,有了测序器和完整家谱,这个过去要花大约17年才能完成的任务,现在只需几个月就可以完成。With a sequencer and a good family tree, she acknowledges, the work that took her some 17 years to accomplish back then could be finished today in a few months.

公司要等到1995年才公布毛细管测序器,但是Hood的设计最终实现了对数以十亿计的碱基对进行分析,对人类基因组计划做出了贡献。The company wouldn’t release a capillary-based sequencer until 1995, but Hood’s design would eventually chew up bases by the billion for the Human Genome Project.