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潮女街头走秀。Tide girls catwalk street charming.

她已经习惯了在走猫步。She's quite used to treading the catwalk.

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很多模特儿都希望有一天能走上伸展台。Many models hope to work on the catwalk some day.

这是那一对手套给予你狭小甬道神情!This is the one to glove give you that catwalk look!

她今天表示自己一直非常担心有一天会在走猫步时跌倒。She said today she lives in fear of falling on catwalk.

你的第一次走秀怎么样?紧张吗?What was your first catwalk show like? Were you nervous?

现在,它们又重新出现在T台以及大马路上。Now, they have resurfaced on the catwalk and the High Street.

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弗朗西斯站起来,从那狭窄的过道上拼命跑向旧厨房。Francis rose and sprinted down the catwalk to the old kitchen.

2002年,当时米德尔顿正在一个学生时装秀上走台步。Middleton models on the catwalk at a student fashion show in 2002.

在全球时尚界,又一轮时装秀正在巴黎上演。In world fashion, another round of catwalk shows has begun with Paris.

事实上,有些纺织品创新正在登上时装表演的舞台。In fact, some of these textile innovations are appearing on the catwalk.

创造一个穿越人生,畅享夏季的婚纱时尚秀。Thus creating a show to travel through the catwalk of life and the summer.

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令人满意的是,在男装中的一个猫步潮流确实是非常明智的。Satisfyingly, this is a catwalk trend in menswear that is very practical indeed.

以前你有的只是一条旧的斜纹棉布裤,现在你有的是真正的时装表演秀。Where once you had an old pair of chinos, now you have a bona fide catwalk look.

更好的方法是去模特班学习如何更好看地走路,就像在t型台上走秀一样。Better yet, go for modelling classes to learn to walk like a model on the catwalk.

他匆匆抓起一件睡衣,跳上T台,把它递给模特儿。He hastily snatched up a nightdress, leapt onto the catwalk and handed it to the model.

时尚女魔头“安娜·温图尔更是秀场的座上常客。Fashionistas, like the event's regular Anna Wintour, are always seen around the catwalk.

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Strand校区的大厅内将上演一场毕业礼袍时装秀。They will be unveiled at a catwalk show in the college's Great Hall on the Strand campus.

同时,印度尼西亚的设计师们在展台上来表现他们对于这一环保时尚的支持。Indonesian designers, meanwhile, are showing their support for eco-fashion on the catwalk.

很幸运,为了达到适度的健康水准,你不需要让自己瘦到像走猫步的模特那种程度。Fortunately, you don't have to look like a catwalk model in order to be reasonably healthy.