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跟那怪老头呀?。With that old geezer?

就一个老头子而言,你的身板儿还挺不错的。You're in pretty good shape for a geezer.

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就一个老头子而言,你的身板儿还挺不错的。And you , fucking tell him now . what geezer.

她去购物了,而我就走向老人椅。She went shopping and I went to the geezer bench.

我看见你和他在放风的时候说话了你说没新发现?I seen you talking to him in the yard and the geezer.

这老家伙不让他们在他的牧场上打球。The old geezer wouldn't let them play ball in his pasture.

这些丈夫们从不同的方向来到同一个地方——老人椅。The husbands take different roads to the same place-the geezer bench.

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这些丈夫们从不同的方向来到同一个地方——老人椅。The husbands take different roads to the same place—the geezer bench.

老人椅是许多不购物的丈夫们在商场里面呆的地方。The geezer bench is where many non-shopping husbands find themselves in a mall.

有一只德国牧羊犬躺在院子里还有一个怪老头正坐在门廊上。There was a German shepherd laying in the yard and an old geezer was sitting on the porch.

一只猎犬正趴在院子里,一个老头正坐在门廊上。''。There was a hound dog laying in the yard and an old geezer in overalls was sitting on the porch.

我不能相信我在嫉妒一个有着百万资产的老到足可以做克莱尔爸爸的一个摇滚明星。I can’t believe I’m feeling jealous of amultimillionaire rock star geezer old enough to be Clare’s dad.

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我知道这样不礼貌,但是我看到那老家伙用假牙啃玉米棒子的样子就忍不住要笑。I know it wasn t polite but I had to laugh when I saw that old geezer with his false teeth eating corn on the cob.

我们简直再也无法忍受老怪物布朗先生当办公室的头了,我们真希望能换上一个有点朝气的新头。We're sick and tired of that old geezer Mr. Brown as our boss in the office and what we need is a new broom with some get-up.

布朗老头子做我们的老板真折腾得我们够呛,我们需要一个新的年轻老板来接替他。We are sick and tired of that old geezer Mr. Brown as our boss in the office and what we need is a new broom with some get-up.

在我的黄金我也可以这样做,2个小时的工作台面---但现在我是一个没有耐心学习老奇特的所有XML和DOM的东西我应该知道,生产一个优雅,声音解决方案。In my prime I could have done this job in 2 hours tops --- but now I'm an old geezer without the patience to learn all the XML and DOM stuff I should know to produce an elegant, sound solution.

三对二的战斗解决得很快,大块头已经把掉臂机甲战士塑造成一座造型奇特的“冰雕”,至于紫须的战利品却没有去拾取。Three must be very quick to two combat solution, big piece head already drop the arm machine A warrior to mold into a shape geezer"ice vulture", as for the war booty of purple beard but don't pick up.