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不要对我吹胡子瞪眼睛!Don't rage at me!

可能会引起公路暴怒。you could get road rage.

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他气得咬牙切齿。He is champing with rage.

程咬金当场大怒。Cheng bite gold spot rage.

他因愤怒而胀红了脸。His face glowed with rage.

Osteen的空气暴怒的妻子?Osteen's wife in air rage?

一沙一世界,一花一天堂。Puts all Heaven in a Rage.

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他们承受着痛苦,非常愤怒。And they suffer, they rage.

他气得脸色发紫。He became purple with rage.

她的脸上全是狂怒的表情。Her face was a mask of rage.

他气得嘴唇发抖。His lips quivered with rage.

公牛怒吼。The bull bellowed with rage.

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星期四乔气坏了。Thursday, Joe was in a rage.

那女人因愤怒而大吼。The woman bellowed with rage.

他的上司怒火冲天。His boss was purple with rage.

我是乔热血沸腾的愤怒。I am Joe's Blood-Boiling Rage.

这首诗在当时十分流行。The poem was all the rage then.

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杨林当场拍案大怒。Yang ling on the spot the rage.

则过来治愈自己的狂怒。come to be healed of their rage.

他热衷于初版本。He had a rage for first editions.