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你是我梦中的那一个。You are a dreamboat.

那家伙是个真正的理想情人。That guy is a real dreamboat.

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她是男生心中追求的理想人选。She is the dreamboat in the boy's heart.

当他在舞会上看见她时,知道自己已经找到梦中情人了。When he saw her at the party , he knew that he found dreamboat.

当他在舞会上看见她时,知道自己已经找到梦中情人了。When he saw her at the party, he knew that he found his dreamboat.

这些娃娃曾经,但其实现在对大多数小女孩来说仍然是一只真实的梦想之船。This Doll was, and actually still is, a real dreamboat for most of little girls.

在“红楼梦中人”选拔中,网上就出现了许多关于李欣汝的传闻。In "the red chamber dreamboat" selects , on-line appeared many about Li Xin your hearsay.

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税收制度的优化是世界各国都在努力追求的理想目标。The optimization of the tax system is the dreamboat pursued by all countries in the world.

软件的简便性开发和自动生成一直是软件开发的努力发展的理想目标。Simple development and automatic generation of software is always the dreamboat of software development.

机会是给有准备的人的,你只有有责任心,才能在平时就准备好,为自己的理想目标努力。Opportunity is for the prepared. As long as you have responsibility, you can work hard for your dreamboat.