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布局来不得慢动作。Layout so slow motion.

版面柔软印压小。The small print layout soft.

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这是一个单页的页面布局。This is a single-page layout.

中间或左边对齐的布局?Centered or left-aligned layout?

这是一种直观的布局。This is a straightforward layout.

可以打印图纸空间布局。You can plot a Paper space layout.

去掉“母板页布局”复选框。Uncheck Use a layout or master page.

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选择一个或两列布局。Select a single or two-column layout.

她在印刷厂做版面设计工作。She works on layout at the printshop.

编辑将是调整布局一点点。Edit will be to adjust layout a little.

我在我们的图层中添加了一些文字。Now i will add some text on out layout.

这张图展示了工厂的布局。This map shows the layout of the plant.

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让我们从城市布局这一简单问题开始讲起。Begin the simple question of urban layout.

我创建了一个简单的布局与暗线。I created a simple layout with dark lines.

该图呈现了虚拟地址空间的管理方式。That’s it for virtual address space layout.

你们已经看过规划图了,是吧?You've already seen the layout plans right?

公司设施规划和调整计划。Company facility layout and adjustment plan.

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试用并选择您喜欢的布局。Experiment and select the layout you prefer.

它嵌入了WebKit的做布局和渲染。It embeds Webkit to do layout and rendering.

设计人物性格,设计版面和颜色。character designs, layout designs and color.