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你从事面包业还是经营绸布业?。Are you in the bakery line or the drapery line?

柔软的褶皱布料遮盖着整墙的窗,同样材质帘也被用来分隔另一个房间。Soft drapery covers the windows and is used as a room divider.

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他开创了女性服装依赖于材质而非裁剪的新气象。He relied on drapery rather than tailoring to construct his new look.

装饰性挂帘悬挂于窗户、门或是架子顶部的短的装饰性垂帘。A short ornamental drapery for the top of a window or door or the edge of a shelf.

例如枕头或墙纸上的布料可以有相同的颜色。For example a drapery could share the same color that is on a pillow or wallpaper.

在人物衣纹的塑造上也体现出雕塑家的高超技艺。The superb skills of Song Dynasty sculptors can also be seen in the sculptures' drapery.

这是我对米开朗基罗这付作品的美艺说明。Michelangelo, who based much of his art on the nude figure, here revels in massed drapery.

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轿身红幔翠盖,上面插龙凤呈祥,四角挂着丝穗。Jiao body red drapery Cui lid, up put Long Feng to show lucky omen, four the angles hang silk Sui.

他象是透过一层云雾看见一个黑色人影跪在地上,头埋在一大片白色的帐帏里。He saw as though in a mist, a black figure kneeling and buried in a confused mass of white drapery.

模特关节可以活动的人体模型,为艺术家所使用,特别用来展示绸料的布置。A jointed model of the human body used by artists, especially to demonstrate the arrangement of drapery.

我拉开岁月的帷幕,时间存在过的证明只留下一幅幅灰白的画面。I pull open the years drapery , the certificate there have existed in time leaving the pale tableau only.

森林也层层叠叠地显现,宛若刚刚复苏的山峦的斗篷,端庄威严,并带着暴风骤雨的回忆。The woods arose in folds like drapery of upned mountains stately with a depth of awe and memory of the tempests.

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读经台上的十字架、福音书以及从读经台上垂下来的飘带,他都圆满地做成了。He is perfectly successful in the cross on the lectern, the gospel, and the drapery that hangs down from the lectern.

树木层层叠叠,威武庄严,仿佛披在被唤醒的群山之上的帷帐,唤起人们对狂风暴雨的记忆。The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, steady with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests.

树木层叠出现,像苏醒的大山的帷幔一样,威武庄严,引起对狂风暴雨的回忆。The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests.

深切割的卷发和复杂布料将其放置在接近年底时开始的第15和16世纪。The deeply incised curls and complicated drapery place it towards the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century.

森林也层层叠叠地显现,宛若刚刚苏醒的山峦的斗篷,端庄威严,并带着狂风暴雨的回忆。The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests.

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目前健康和安全顾问“建议”罗西今后处理打褶悬挂的布时需时时戴着头盔。Health and safety officials suggest that from now on, Rossi wears his helmet at all times when engaging with the drapery.

同函附上订单,请立即安排,尤其应注意给颇有名气的铃木服装公司供货。Enclosed please find order for immediate attention, especially that of messrs. suzuki& co. , the well know firm of drapery.

在一个大房间设有壁炉,高升的天花板,自定义衣纹和酒吧酒库及花岗岩台面。Great Room under a soaring ceiling features a fireplace, custom drapery & a wet bar with wine storage & granite counter top.